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23 LUGLIO 2015 – 8:10 A.M.   APPELLO DI GESU’ SACRAMENTATO AL SUO POPOLO FEDELE Pace a voi, figli Miei.   Si avvicinano i giorni...

mercoledì 23 luglio 2014

MESSAGGI A M.J. EVEN - 2002 parte I

Our Lady, April 30, 2002

A message from Our Lady of Consolation in Carey, Ohio, while traveling. "My Dear Children, I ask you to pray for Souls especially for those Persons who are dying unprepared. As you pray for Souls, I ask you to be a consolation to others. I ask you to think of others, help others, through the tragic loss of their loved ones. But most of all, pray for all Souls and their salvation. That is all, My Child."

Jesus, May 1, 2002

"Dear Children, as We begin another summer in the tenth year of these messages, We want to advise you, encourage you, and help you prepare for your future. Thus all the messages and lessons given this month reflect Heaven's great concern that you be ready for all that will occur and is occurring. We have done this meaningfully and with great earnestness. My Mother and I with St. Joseph have seen a lessening of spirit. We see a desire to forget tragedy and live but for each day. In so doing, you tend to forget to pray and preparation. So We decided to help you become more interested and involved. Sweet Children, these days are your great sign that much more is to come. Do not waver in your goal. Do not dismiss Our efforts. More is upon your door-step. -Jesus"

Jesus, May 1, 2002

"My Sweet Children, these days of extra alert, vigilance, against terrorists, may appear strange and disorienting for those whose lives never had to cope with such pressures, but for many in the world, this way of life is the way they live. It has been prophesied that there would be such step by step grades of difficulty. Yes, and as there are more threats, life will become more and more hazardous. Step by step you are being led through these difficult days. Step by step you will see that this turmoil of existence will build brick by brick to greater and greater difficulties.
I do not speak this way to scare you further but to help you recognize the truth of these days if you have not done so already. You need to understand that it shall proceed step by step to greater and more awesome limits for many events are yet to come. If you are physically and mentally ready, but most particularly Spiritually ready, you will have no problem coping, yet to be inconvenienced in such ways will cause you to question, talk, argue, exclaim and be upset. These are normal reactions for human beings, yet the days will come even for you, when change and difficulties will be a normal way of life as it is for many today in the World.
 Change can be seen in the World easily but such step by step, brick by brick change is also occurring in the Church as the Modernists push their plan for the Church and the resultant changes they desire upon you. Brick by brick these persons are tearing down the Dogma and Faith principles and brick by brick rebuilding their religion and church. It is theirs. It is not Mine. Brick by brick they are building a wall between you and the Holy Father. Brick by brick they are separating themselves from the
True Faith and Church. This wall will lead to the Schism which has been prophesied for many years. The only way you can be sure to hold to the True Faith is to know the True Faith and not let those who would separate you from it accomplish their goal. We have spoken of this before also. Know your True Faith. Follow the Dogma and True Faith practices. Know the Catechism. Know the proper Sacramental Rites. Check on the correctness of these Rites as you participate in them. How? Just keep your eyes and ears open. Maintain security in Faith practices.
My Children, if the Modernists announced certain changes to you, you could then try to speak to them or ask their purpose, but this is not their approach. Instead piece by piece, step by step, they will just begin to use innovative means to alter the ways of carrying out the Rites for various Sacraments and practices. If you don't catch on early, you will be taken in. Try then to notice things, listen more to all that occurs in Church.
Sweet Children, there have now been innumerable examples of changes which the people accepted. No one appeared to complain or question. The Priest appeared angry with those who asked why such changes were occurring, and so they did not question him further. In one parish in Wisconsin, the Priest told everyone to stand from the Gospel to the end of Mass. He would not allow anyone to kneel for the Consecration or Holy Communion or after Holy Communion. For some unknown reason now he has been moved from that parish. The next Priest said kneel and all of the parishioners do so gratefully. Why didn't they insist they wished to kneel before? "O we do not want to cause any problem." Well, it is time to see the problems, talk about it, tell the Bishop. He may not do anything either, but you have tried at least.
So, My Children, I ask you to stay alert, awake, and know that it is important how Faith Practices are carried out. It is important that Priests use the words prescribed by the Church for proper Catholic Sacramental Rites. It is important that the form and structure be used as prescribed to ensure the Sacrament is carried out. Some say, "It's not really important. A Priest did it so it must be okay." I am saying to you that, at this time, you must be alert and listen and know if all is as it should be. This is your means of security.
I wish to give you an example. A Priest asked the Parents and Godparents at a Baptism to say the words of Baptism as he, the Priest, poured the water over the head of the baby. Is this a valid Baptism? No, My Children, it is not. In fact, in this instance, all the babies baptized in this way by the Priest had to be re-Baptized at the Bishop's directions. A simple innovation which may appear wholesome, but is invalid. The Priest or person baptizing must say the words as he or she lets the water run over the head of the person to be Baptized. You must check this Rite and understand the True Faith practice. The person baptizing must do both the pouring of the water and the saying of the words for a valid Baptism.
Simple changes, showing innovation, creativity, some say. Why? There are rules the must be followed, words that must be said. No changes may be made. Please, My Children, learn your Faith. Recognize that only in this way do you have security in the True Faith.
I offer you another example. When a person is about to die, it is wise to ask a Priest to offer Confession, Communion and the blessing of the sick. These days Deacons appear at the bedside of the sick with Holy Eucharist and the Holy Oils. What about Confession? The last and greatest moment for the dying person to unburden their Soul. 0, it is so sad for many would do so, but without a Priest no Confession can take place. My Children, make every effort to find a good Priest to help the dying person with a good last Confession.
O, My Children, step by step, brick by brick, the Modernists are building a wall between you and the True Faith and you do not recognize this or are blind to it. In some cases people do not care. You should care. You have a great responsibility to care. It is your Soul that is losing the security of the Faith. It is the Souls of your family and children that are losing the gifts and Graces offered by the True Faith practices. Yes, you should care a great deal.
Now, My Children, these days have many hazards, many difficulties both in the World and the Church. When the Holy Father flees the Vatican, you shall be sorely tested for your knowledge of the True Faith. You must be on alert. You must be vigilant both in the World and in your Faith. These are the days We have been preparing you for. These are the times, the End times, We have spoken of so often. You needn't be afraid if you maintain your security.
I wanted to speak of these things because so many are waiting for big things to occur, whereas it is really the little things that have moved ahead quietly and quickly. Too late some will see how much has been lost. Too late some will realize the Truth.
It is all very sad, even now, to watch as the evil one has his way in the World and the Church. It is sad because as more and more people are taken from you, so few see what is happening. So few see the forest for the trees. Individuals complain over this or that, but they fail to see how it all fits into a larger picture of destruction and heresy. I love you all, My Children, be not afraid. - Jesus"

Our Lady, May 1, 2002

"My Sweet Children, each day of your lives you need to maintain a security of Soul. Each day of your lives you need to check whether you personally are ready for whatever God asks of you that day. Each day of your life you ask yourself, "Am I ready?" You may say, "ready for what?" I say, ready for whatever God asks of you. Whether this be problems, difficulties, inconveniences, injury, illness or even death, are you ready?
In Nebraska this week, a great windstorm blew up the dry newly plowed field along an interstate highway. The dust storm was so thick there was only twenty feet visibility. Cars and trucks tried to move through the dust storm resulting in an eight car and truck accident and a ten-mile backup of cars. There were two deaths—a twenty year old male and a twenty-three year old male—and numerous injuries to others. So quick. It came quickly, unexpectedly, and people who have never experienced such a storm really were not prepared. It has since rained in the area to lessen further chances of this happening again, but it shows you how quickly new and unexperienced events can occur.
Your whole lives these days are like a dust storm. You do not know when or if something will occur. You must be prepared for all events and acting prudently, be prepared to stop, to decide a wise course of action. People who were experienced did stop when they saw the dust storm by pulling off the road, but young people do not have the experience.
Thus you need to recognize when possible problems are going to occur and act in virtue with prudence, patience and temperance. Those who see themselves as fighters against all odds will not act prudently and may be beset by great tragedy. "Look before you leap." Think ahead to understand how to manage things. Consider your options.
These days are like no others. These are days of events you may not have experienced so you need to consider how you will react and act. Do not let yourselves become apathetic to life's demands, but, rather, stay focused.
Now these temperaments need to apply to the World and to the Church. There are many aspects to consider I know and you have not and can not think of everything, but you can consider how to be prudent and patient in all you do. This attitude will increase your ability to withstand great unexpected circumstances.
0 My Children, I wish more were ready to carry out what God will ask of you. So few are because they do not want to hear, or see or learn that their lives may change and they will need to cope.
Already you have heard of the implanting of the microchip in some people for security reasons. People appear to be pleased to have this happen to them. It is not the time for the powerful microchip implantation as yet, but you see how the media is preparing people to view it as a practical thing. Do not accept the chip in any form of your free will, please. Though the current chip is not the powerful chip, it can be later made to be so. Remember it is the sign of 666 as Scripture tells you, that is of Satan. Do not be lost foolishly in the media hype over this. Prudently plan how you can avoid it. Think, My Children. Remain always with your God, the Eternal Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Do not give yourselves to Satan.
I speak of these things so you can be alerted and consider how you will act and react. If presented with an actual experience of this or that nature, you probably will react as you think best, but everyone speaks of "hind sight" and possibly doing things differently or better if given knowledge ahead that such an event may occur. We are saying to you now, all sorts of events will occur, please consider now how you may react to them.
If you reflect upon Our instructions over the years, you will realize We have spoken of acquiring virtue, especially fortitude and patience. We have asked you to prepare yourselves and family to be secure and prepared. We have spoken of events. We have given you all the pieces to consider, now We are putting them all together. These are the days to put all We have asked of you together. We have asked you also to learn the Faith, to stay with the Holy Father and the True Faith. We have forewarned you of the Modernists and their goal of separation and schism. We have asked you to pray for your Holy Pontiff, the Church, the Faith, for Priests and that you may find a good, holy Priest, the Sacraments and those to pray with. We have done Our part, Dear Children, now it is up to you.
 We speak of these things because We love you and desire you to be able to overcome the difficult days ahead. We do not do so for fun or to make you uncomfortable or to scare you. If all this discussion does scare you, then it is time to prepare so you can handle these events. Fear adds only emotion, not common sense. Use your common sense. Use what God has given you, your mind. You can do this. Try.
For those elderly who do not understand what to do, recognize you can talk to others or just sit and think about how you could prepare. Think about what you need to prepare and how. Try to recognize that it is not something others can do for you or that someone will say not to do anything. This I believe some will try to do. They may say something to some others who say you do not need to do anything. That is not so. We have been advising you for years and just because you think you are too old, that is not a reason. You are only too old if you are 150 years old, then God will take care of you. No one is that old today, therefore you can prepare something. Get your mind set on doing something. Try to work on it. Make notes. Tell others what you need help on. For those younger, I advise you to get to work now. Dear Children life will change dramatically in the years ahead and each day now is a Grace for you. Use it wisely. - Mary"

Our Lady, May 1, 2002

A message from Our Lady of Sorrows at the Sorrowful Mother Shrine in Bellville, Ohio while traveling."Sweet Child, ask all to pray for Souls and help Me to save Souls for the Glory of God the Father. So many are dying in great sorrow physically, but I look on their Souls. If only these Souls would know to offer their sufferings for their sins and in reparation for sins. Pray My Children, pray for the conversion and salvation of Souls."

Our Lady, May 4, 2002

A message from Our Lady of the Cape in Cap de la Madeleine, Quebec, Canada while traveling. "My Child, I greet you at My Holy Shrine and welcome you and all the Pilgrims. It is important now to ask all to pray, yes, but also to visit Holy Shrines to pray. Visit My Shrines, Dear Children, and ask for the Grace and blessings needed in your lives. Much Grace and blessings are given to those who visit My Holy Shrines. Dear Children, when you visit Holy Shrines, have some specific intentions and requests. Request these and pray for these blessings."

Jesus, May 15, 2002

"During the months ahead you will experience much difficulty in the U.S. and the World. The Eternal Father will let happen that which the Terrorists are planning as part of your chastisement. It is necessary for all the evilness permitted against the young, the unborn and the elderly, for the sinful displays and just plain evil which your societies have permitted, indeed encouraged. Do not be surprised. With that in mind, it behooves you to prepare.I call this year, a year of Solemnity because of the great need for prayer. Try to understand you are never alone for all the Angels and Saints of Heaven are here on earth battling against all from Hell who are also upon earth. It is a war, My Children, of good versus evil. You are the prize, your Souls are the prize. Keep your Souls always for God alone. - Jesus"

Our Lady, May 15, 2002

"My Children, the earnestness of the Heavenly Hosts to assist you should prove a welcome relief for those who wonder how they are going to get through these difficult days. My Children, call upon all of Heaven, the Angels and the Saints, to support you, guide you, protect you, help you. They will come, but I remind you again, you must ask for their help. Just simply say aloud, "May the Angels and Saints, surround protect, guide and assist me, this day and all my life." In this war for your Soul, you must fortify yourselves with frequent Mass, Holy Communion, Rosary, Meditation and other prayers. These are your weapons, your armor. Clutch your rosary beads. Wear your sacramentals. Protect your home, car and person. Never let a day pass without some prayers. Be not afraid. We are with you. - Mary"

Jesus, June 1, 2002

"My Dear Children, the days of summer pass slowly and with each passing day you await events to occur, as We have spoken of further terrorists attacks and diseases. These smaller tribulations will be enhanced by flooding, warm weather and some severe climate changes such as severe snow storms in South America. This happened last week: three feet of snow only miles from the Equator. Unheard of and yet such strangeness will continue. Be not afraid, My Children, Persevere in preparing yourselves and families for all that God asks of you. Be ready Spiritually, mentally and physically. Then trust that your loving Savior, Jesus Christ, will help you. - Jesus"

Our Lady, June 1, 2002

"Dear Children of My Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, I am the Mother of All of God's Children and as such I cry for the salvation of all. I am the Mother you can call upon to help you amidst your many trials of life, in death and whenever you feel the need for a Mother to hold your hand, to comfort you, to strengthen you in that which God the Father asks you to carry. I am sad with you, joyful with you, a crutch for you, and I give you Grace to live as you should before the eyes of God. I give courage, trust, hope to the hopeless. I give strength, yes, and more. I give you love. 0 My Children of the light, I ask you to remember Me more often, pray to Me more often, consider Me when trials tend to engulf your feelings. You have a Dear and Loving Mother who stands ready to help you.There are some who immediately turn to Me for help, to make their trials easier and I do so willingly. But there are some who forget Me, who seek help from many sources but not from Me. I am forgotten. But I am your Mother, My Children, and from God the Father Himself, I have been made your Mother. This of course came about through Jesus while on the Cross of your Salvation, gave Me as Mother to John the Apostle, yet the gesture was made at the request of God the Father and planned as such from all eternity. Sweet Children, remember your Heavenly Mother always and do not despair. I am here for you always. I never leave you but I want you to remember Me always. - Mary"

Jesus, June 1, 2002

"My dear Children, I greatly desire you to visit Me in the Church and pray before My Holy Presence. The Tabernacles of the world hold My Sacred Presence, yet few visit Me to say hello or pray. I await your presence and familiar faces. I await your hello. I am alone except for My Holy Angels who try to offer Me much praise and honor. Could you spare Me a little time? Could you stop by to say hello? It is well known that with some modernist Priests who do not believe in My True Presence that I am no longer present in those tabernacles. Thus you must take advantage of My True Presence and seek Me out. I welcome you. I recognize you. I love you all. - Jesus"

Our Lady, June 1, 2002

"Now, Dear Children, you would be well advised to pray for all your families to hold to the True Faith in the days of struggle ahead. You would be well advised to pray for strength to withstand the evilness which shall come from the enemies of the True Faith. You would be well advised to broaden your knowledge and perspective of what your Faith really means and how you will carry out your True Faith amidst grave problems of life. You would be well advised to understand how you will maintain your Faith daily for it will be very difficult at times. 0 My Children, these are counsels from a Mother who loves you greatly and wishes you always ready for whatever God plans for you. This is your Mother speaking. I try ever so hard to help you to understand that your days ahead as True Faith Catholics will become more and more difficult. I prepare you for the life to come as all good mothers do to help their Children. I try to show you the way to God in the Most Blessed Trinity. 0 My Children, be prepared. - Mary"

Jesus, June 1, 2002

"My Dear Children, I will conclude these public messages by describing for you the great need for you to be prepared Spiritually. With the election of the Anti-Pope you will find a great decrease in the enthusiasm and energy offered by Priests in the fulfillment of their ministry. This lack of interest and energy will be caused by their unwillingness to support the new trends newly put into place by the Anti-Pope. You will need to encourage them to hold to their vocation and minister to their faithful parishioners. In some places you will need to house them, feed them and protect them. The form that your personal Spiritual life will take will be sometimes more difficult for you. You will find you are, as a True Faith believer, not welcome in some Churches, find it difficult to hear a valid Mass and you will be resigned to practice your Faith in a personal manner daily. You will be on your own. This manner or practicing the Faith will be hard for many to understand and practice. It may cause some to try to go to the modernist churches. This is why We have so often asked you to understand what your Faith means. This is why We have encouraged you to develop a personal prayer life, a daily discipline of prayer. It is in this that you will retain the True Faith. Now, be not afraid, just work on what you believe and why. - Jesus"

Jesus, June 1, 2002

"Dear Children, these days are most difficult for so many due to the extreme heat but also for the farmers and those who rely upon good weather. I remind you of a prophecy that stated that one of the tribulations you will experience is a crop failure resulting in the lack of food stuffs particularly of wheat and com. This now begins to be seen as many U.S. States have disasterous crops failure due to lack of rain. Being a prophecy, it must be fulfilled. This will be a period in which your stored goods will be used, I believe, in part. There may be bread stuff available but at a higher price. There may be more wheat and grain imported also but at a higher price.
You see, My Children, again a reason for Our prudent suggestion you put aside food-stuff. Follow Our leads and you will have what you need. Now I wish to alert you to some concerns Heaven has regarding your Holy Father. As he is so very immobile at times due to his various illnesses, even as his mind is sharp and vigorous, he does not have much strength against those who are constantly warring against him. For this reason and in Our Mercy We may ask him to flee the Vatican, as the prophecy has stated, in the near future. Yet he has asked for more Grace to allow him to stay longer. We will hold off as long as possible, My Children, before We escort him from the Vatican to safety and his healing. Yet know that such a decision shall be the first sign for you of the events to come.
Do not expect the events to follow to come quickly. Each has a time and each takes time. But you know the signs that step by step shall transpire. Each day consider how you will proceed. Recognize that much will come about ever so slowly yet persistently toward all We have prophesied to you over the years. If We do not escort your Holy Pontiff sooner than later, I ask you now and then to pray very much for him to complete all Heaven has asked and continues to ask of him. Pray for Grace to be given him always.
Now My Dear Children, I speak of this to keep you apprised of the thinking in Heaven regarding the situation. So many have asked concerning the Holy Pontiff when you see his disabilities at various Vatican functions. Yes he suffers greatly but continues to fulfill that which Heaven asks. We remind you again he will not die in the Vatican but be escorted away to Poland prior to that occurring. Remember this, Dear Children, do not be taken in with the announcement of a funeral. There will be no body. He simply will not be found.
Yet you will see him later for he will appear to many in Churches and places of worship through bi-location. You will know the truth regarding him when you see him. I emphasize these facts again now, as I did in February 1997, because many have forgotten and some new to the messages, have not heard of this. It is all part of prophecy. Prophecy shall be fulfilled. The line of grace in the Church is with Pope John Paul II and as such it is through him you Faithful receive the Grace. Therefore it is appropriate to continue to pray for his intentions and needs as he is in hiding. The line of grace can only come through a Heaven-directed appointment as Pope though elected by men. Now the Anti-Pope will be appointed by the Anti-Christ and therefore does not carry the line of grace for the Church. That is why Pope John Paul II must remain alive until the next Heaven-directed Pope is put in place in the Reign of Peace. We would not abandon you without a line of grace. Without the line of grace you would not receive the Graces necessary for your survival either as human beings or Catholic Faithful. Therefore the line of grace shall not be broken. It is based upon this fact that you can be confirmed in your mind that he lives.
Since the Anti-Pope will be appointed by many in compromise by a form of the phone, his election will not fulfill the standards set forth for the proper selection. In this also you will understand his apostasy. What this person does with the Church, the Faith and all related Liturgy will amaze you. You must hold to the True Faith even though so much will be said to change. It will not in God's eyes nor should it be in your eyes or beliefs. It will be with great trials you will look to find True Ministers, Priests of the Faith. In time you may need to find them, house them and feed them. In time all Priests who do not follow the new ways will no longer be wanted, will be asked to leave their posts in parishes. Only the new modernist priests will be allowed. In time you will search for True Priests and when you find one, take care of him. He will prove himself to be loyal by the mark on his chest given him by the Blessed Virgin Mary. That is how you will know him to be a True and Faithful Priest.
 0 My Children, following the exile of your Holy Pontiff, you will have much to endure. Pray that things move quickly in the Mercy of God and yet pray very much you will remain loyal and secure in the Faith. All that We have encouraged you to do over these last nine and one-half years will be needed now. We have been prudent in Our counsels to you. We have shared a great deal of Heaven's wisdom and it is about to begin just as We have said. Try, Dear Children, to mentally comprehend the urgency of these days. Try to mentally understand We have spoken of these times for years. Now you can see it happen before your eyes even as you live each day. Reflect upon Our Holy Words. Reread the lessons We have given you. Now is the time for prophecy to be fulfilled.
I say again, do not expect things to go quickly. Do not expect all will be over in a flash. Each step takes time and each step in its time, but time also has been speeding up, so each day moves more quickly. Thus before long all will have been fulfilled. Stay always in the state of Sanctifying Grace. Make a good complete Confession while you can. Trust in My Holy Mother and I always. Make your homes holy to protect them and yourselves. My Children meditate upon Our Holy Words and I will give you much Grace of understanding. It is with these ideas in mind We have called this year the year of Solemnity. Pray for your Holy Pontiff. Pray he can withstand all that comes to him daily. Pray for his health and safety amidst all crises, for he is your sign of things to come. I remain always, your loving Jesus."

Our Lady, June 1, 2002

"Dear Children, as My Dear Divine Son, Jesus Christ, has explained to you, We believe We will need to escort your Holy Pontiff from the Vatican sooner than later. What does this mean, My Children? What does "sooner than later" mean in terms of time? We do not like to speak of dates but so many will think in terms of tomorrow or next month. No, Heaven doesn't work that way. We give plenty of notice whenever possible. It all really depends on the Holy Father's attitude and desire, his health as well as your prayers for him to linger. The longer he can linger, the more the time is pushed way back.
I have retained the three crowns of thorns to suffer so you may be relieved of a great number of tragedies and that you have more time to prepare and Me to save Souls. We want to save as many Souls as possible for God's Glory. This is essential. Your society's trends do not help as in so many ways they are decadent. Yet through it all We have hope that more Souls will be saved. Later the [Great] Warning will help, but that's far off comparatively speaking.
 These days I hope you see the numerous signs that something is about to happen. Certainly you see the Terrorists' attacks, weather difficulties and diseases. Certainly you see the changes in the Church Liturgy and modernist trends. These are signs that the future holds much difficulties. Notice the signs. Read the newspapers. Listen to the news. Watch the news on your televisions. Much is taking place world-wide for which you need to pray and observe. Pray always for your government leaders and military personnel. They need prayers to sustain them, give them wisdom and the ability to withstand the evil which surrounds them. All military personnel need your special gifts of Grace gained through prayer.
It behooves you also to try to pray for local authorities who are embattled in financial crises, crops disasters, flooding and storms of one kind or another. Pray also they know how to manage various kinds of crises from war and other terrorists' attacks. It is not over. It shall be intermingled with your lives while dealing with other events in the Church and World.
Pray very much for your Priests to read the signs themselves. We say again, let God inform them. You just pray for them to hear the Word of God. Please be prudent in your sharing these facts. You are being given them for a purpose. Ask God to open the minds and hearts of Priests so closed to God's Grace.
 Now We come to speak of some specific planning for your relief and welfare. Please follow Our advice concerning your stocks and paper funds. We have counseled you often to avoid these forms of money funds. You see how the stock market fluctuates. Many have lost much. But We told you years ago to avoid this. Now you are losing money. Please be more prudent, My Children. Please follow Our advice. When you can, try to dispose of these paper funds, when you can. Be prudent. Soon there shall be much greater loses. It is up to you, of course, and your free will.
I say again, try to put some funds aside for emergencies. Try to protect your funds. For now, still, savings accounts are alright to use. Keep a small reserve for yourselves in a safe place. I will alert you when to take out the money from banks. I hope you listen then as time then will be short. We hear daily from your prayers that you worry about your money and rightly so. Try to see that the future holds neither banks nor retirement funds, unless you have the microchip. You can not take the microchip and remain in God's grace. No, that is the sign of 666 spoken of in the Scriptures in the Book of Revelations by St. John. Read it for yourselves. You will understand, I believe. With only those who take the microchip able to use their banked money, you will need to take your money out of the bank before that time. So We will alert you to that time, when it is time. We have said it before and We do again, please try to keep a little privately available for you to use later.
 There will be many with large amounts of money who will not wish to give it up. Woe to those whose avarice is so great they will give up their Souls for such as this. It is very sad for those who have much, will lose it all, but those with little will gain all. It is so written of these days. Dear Children, I return to My topic. The signs you see around you now are the signs forecasting your future. In the days, months and even years ahead, there will be many signs given you, but you must be alert to see them. The birds will leave you. The crops will fail. The various diseases shall grow stronger and more prolific. You will see signs that war is coming and it will come. 0 My Children, you do not know what war means. Most haven't experienced it. Those who have, know how difficult it is. Prepare, prepare, prepare.
Do not let lethargy or slowness limit your preparations. Do not let others dissuade you from doing all you can do. Make lists, get food and water. If you can not store it at your home, ask someone to let you store goods at their home. If you must, rent a store room or storage unit. Then you can keep things without others knowing if need be. Plan, think, be alert. We do not speak of ordinary times. These are difficult times you prepare for. You must think beyond the boundaries of your regular life and times. You must meditate upon how to go about life with only your stored food and goods to barter with. No cash or Social Security checks, nor retirement money, nor …, nor …, nor …. No you will not receive funds from other sources without the microchip. You have collected much and these things you will barter with for what you need.
I remind you this also means gasoline, water, car care, all must be bartered for in that future. That is why We have suggested a bike or horse. Many will walk. Now, Dear Children, these facts of your future have not changed from the early years when We spoke of these matters. It is still the same. Make your homes holy and they will be protected. You do not need to find a cave or hill or other place. Just stay home and make it holy. This applies to apartment buildings, condos, flats, nursing homes, and all facilities you live in, including your own private homes. We love you all, Dear Children. We speak to you as Our Children, Our Family, which you are. We advise. We hope you consent and follow Our advice. I love you all. - Mary"

Jesus, July 1, 2002

"Sweet Children, these days you will hear a great deal about the microchip from various persons and governments. Be alert to this program. It is not for you. Identification numbers such as your social security numbers is a different matter. Whole countries have these for their people. What you should avoid at all costs is the placement of a microchip on your person. Now there are some places where such a chip has been used to recover those who have been captured for ransom. That is yet another matter. The microchip in the hand is the sign of the evil one and should be avoided at all costs. Do not be confused who tells you about it. It is to be avoided. It will not be popular until later but be forewarned that those who promote it are doing so at the instigation of Maitreya's forces. - Jesus"

Jesus, July 1, 2002

"Now sweet Children, these days appear to have no movement, nothing extraordinary, yet I assure you many special events are taking place which will influence your lives tremendously. These special events include meetings, trips, deaths as well as preparation. There is a time for everything and everything in its time, My Children. Just keep up with your news. All will be made known in time. - Jesus"

Jesus, July 1, 2002

"Dear Children of My Sacred Heart these messages come to you monthly to assist you. Their printing and distribution has been delayed due to financial woes. As funds are received, the messages go out. Enough said. - Jesus"

Jesus, July 1, 2002

"My Sweet Children, I wish to give you a lesson on trust. It is so greatly needed and yet many people view it from their view of how they think God will work to protect them and keep them. Because this view is in error, I wish to give you counsel and help you to understand what trust means.
First of all, trust is another side of Hope which is one of the theological virtues you receive in Baptism. It is an aspect of Hope because you see that God considers you one of His Own and will hopefully provide for you.
At issue is the concept of "provide". Does that mean to provide you money? No. Does it mean that God will see that you have food and water as needed? No, it does not. Does it mean that God will give you clothes or a home to live in? No, it does not. Does it mean no matter what you do God will make it right or okay? No, it does not. Does it mean that you can sit back and do nothing and God will fill all your life's needs? No. Does it mean that God will send a Warrior Angel to fight your battles? No. Does it mean that you do not need worry or work for anything as God will provide? The answer is no.
Those who tend to believe these things are many. They have an incorrect view of God and the concepts of Hope and Trust. Though God occasionally will allow certain things to be abated, in His Mercy, it is not a sign you carry no responsibility. You have a personal ongoing life-long responsibility to work, to provide for yourselves and protect yourselves. It is you, not God, who must do these things. That is what being a human being means. You have a responsibility for living. Living means doing what you need to do in order to live. You work, you pray, you have leisure activities, you sleep, you shop, you eat, you raise families, you have friends, you make life pleasant for yourselves as you can.
Now the virtue of Trust. It is a virtue because it relies on God. It is a virtue because you must learn it. It is a virtue because the opposite is to despair, give up. Yet the virtue of trust says to God, "I believe You will assist me to carry out the work, life, prayer, family duties and all, in a way most pleasing to God and that means good things for my Soul." Trust, then, is belief that God will cooperate with you to make what you do well. It is not doing it for you, but cooperating with you as you work, to help you do what you are doing well. To work well, to build well, to travel safely, to protect your home and family well. It is up to you, but if you trust God to help you, be sure to ask Him, you can feel comfortably sure that your outcome will be satisfactory and acceptably performed.
In trust, God is your Helper, not doer.You see, My Children, being a human being has various problems. Lack of ability, lack of assurance, lack of self esteem and self confidence. There are many different types of ways the human mind acts and God knows that. Lack of a personal sense of ability in many things lead people to lose more confidence in themselves and what they can do. So God created the virtue of Hope in God's mercy and help, and next to it the virtue of trust. In Trust and Hope in God's assistance, there is assurance that some power greater than your personal weakness is with you. Yes, indeed, God is with you.
So you see, My Children, the virtues of Hope and Trust are worthy virtues to attain in your lives. The opposite is despair, fear, fright, loss of direction, being ashamed of one's self and life, panic, depression, anxiety and other neuroses. But to hope and trust that you will be helped, that what happens is what God desires for you and yours, that you may not "get" all you desire, but that what you obtain from your work is what God allows, is very, very comforting. In fact, it is a signally significant way God wants you to act.
It is not God's plan that everyone has whatever others have, nor that they look alike, eat alike, work alike, live alike. Each human being is different and as such responds to living differently. This may be due to the country and place they live, the money they have, the abilities they have, the family or lack of family they have and so forth. Difference is the way it is among human beings. Difference is what is God's plan. In those differences, each human being is called upon to do what they can, are able to do, with what has been given based upon their own efforts and God's help.
So often in Heaven We hear pleas for greater wealth, better this, better that, and We do not see people strive to make their lives better to get what they want. Do they think God will just open up a money tree and let fall money or good jobs or better families? 0 no, My Children, you have a responsibility to work toward your goals. It is alright to wish, to dream, to pray for what you desire, but you must also have the awareness that God helps those who help themselves. Do not take that thought beyond what I have said. It is not right to steal, to fight, to argue in order to get your way. It is right and proper to work hard to achieve what you desire and dream of asking God, if it is His Will, that you attain what you seek.
Some Sundays ago you heard the Gospel about the man who sold all to buy a field with a large treasure buried there. That is the way Heaven is: a great treasure to be acquired at all costs. It is Heaven you seek and not all this earth's treasure. Keep that in mind when you dream, search, desire. Each person has to move hurdles in life to obtain the dream they seek. That is the way it is, My Children. Yet some boulders are too heavy. Perhaps God is telling you you have gone far enough. Listen for the Lord's Word, pray with Hope and Trust, and then proceed.
0 My Children, this is a great time for this lesson for as I have asked you to store food and water, to prepare to barter for goods, some have become so complacent and have done nothing. Why? They say they want God to provide as they trust Him to help them. 0 My Children, your Hope and Trust are good, but not fully understood. Trust in God, yes, but you must do your part. You get the extra food and water ready and then trust that there will be enough.
0 My Children, many miracles are performed by God daily, in small and great ways, but if you look closely you will see people working to make things happen. How much work by so many to bring all nine miners out of a death cave? How many firefighters to rescue people from a burning building? So you must work and also trust that God will look kindly on what you are doing and make its outcome as you desire. I love you all. - Jesus"

Our Lady, July 1, 2002

"My Dear Children, I am in great earnest to explore with you the need for you to be cautious with your funds. This is not yet the time to take all from the bank. Be careful with your expenditures and bill paying. Perhaps you have discovered this on your own. Perhaps the situation in the stock market and with banks in general have made you alert and wary. Yes, it is the time to be wary and prudent. Keep your mind alert to the availability of your funds. Have a check every once in awhile. Just remain alert. I do hope by now you have a small cache of funds put aside for emergencies for short periods. This would be a wise resource to have available. But also I am not going to tell you how much. You decide based upon availability and circumstance. My Children, We alert you in prudence to possible threats and your needs. This is one We have spoken of previously. I remind you of it today again. That this is such a time should be obvious. - Mary"

Our Lady, July 1, 2002

"Dear Children, I began My first message with eagerness to tell you, remind you, of your need to be prepared. Now I wish to tell you why. It has become clearer each day that these circumstances and events will enter your lives most forcefully in a few months. We have forewarned you of these possibilities. Today I am re-confirming that such events will occur now. This will create certain problems for you to obtain funds you need until it passes. I say until these events pass but there shall be other events making a small cache of funds available to you very helpful. You have not heard the ends of the trials over funds, nor the end of dollar woes. This in fact is but the beginning. As the stock market bounces up and down, the value of the dollar and legal tender will also jump up and down. Banks may have difficulties also. It is the times you live in, My Children. Being prepared involves considering many aspects of life. Know you must be ready for many events. We do not say this to frighten you but so you are ready on all fronts to withstand the difficulties of those days. This is just another one for you to consider. It is time, My Children, to look again at my briefing regarding paper funds such as stocks and I.R.A.'s and other similar ways to earn money. I had forewarned you that there would be problems. You see them daily now. Be alert, listen and respond. There is much to come upon you. - Mary"

Our Lady, July 1, 2002

"My Sweet Children, I wish to speak to you, each of you, as a Mother. I am the Mother of so many and yet so many ignore Me and the potential to have Me as their Mother. Though I do not ignore them, they ignore Me. It is so sad, My Children, because with more help, unity and prayer, We could accomplish so very much. Yes, We, you and I, together with all My Children.
Now, Dear Children, as your Mother I wish to express My great earnestness for you all at this time. These are the days of woe, of trouble. I look at your Souls and estimate your Spiritual readiness for what is asked of you. I am concerned because not all of you are ready. No, not all of you are in the state of Sanctifying Grace. You appear to not have made a good confession of sin. Please, My Children, it is very important you find a good holy Priest and make a good Confession now while they may still be available for you.
0 My Children, We have spoken of this before. We have spoken of the need to confess to a good, holy, traditional Priest before these are not available to you. It will be late, maybe too late after the Pope flees and the Modernists take over. It is essential you confess to a true holy Priest with the total capacity to forgive sins correctly. Do not wait. Go to Confession now.
These days for the Church are most difficult. Yet it is still the Church of Jesus, built by Him on the Twelve Apostles. Some days I see it is a shadow of its former self, but it is still the Holy Roman Catholic Church led by your Holy Pontiff, Pope John Paul II. Remember that, Dear Children. Never lose sight of the Liturgy and Sacraments. Never forget the True Faith and that you are a true, loyal believer. Whatever occurs, always recognize yourself as a True follower of the True Catholic Faith.
Now I wish you to pray for the Bishops and Priests that they will always hold to the True Faith and not give in to the Modernists and the Anti-Pope. It will appear that much will change when the Anti-Pope is put on the throne of Peter, but you mustn't be confused or confounded. You must live the True Faith and know that Heaven is with you.
I say confused because even small events or sayings from some Priests have led some to say they are confused. That means to Me they do not know what is correct and right. That says to Me they have not done what We have asked and that is to learn the Faith, know the Faith, and respond individually according to the True Faith Dogma and Catechism. We have advised you to do that because you will receive various views of what the Faith practices are from many others, especially from Modernist Priests and Bishops. They have a story, an explanation for you of why the changes, but in many ways you will see the error if you know the True Faith. Quietly then you can evaluate the changes, recognize potential errors, and plan your strategy to take care of your Soul. It will be harder for some than others because they do not have a strength of purpose or resolve. Yes, you will need a great deal of resolve and you will see that it may require extra work to hold to your True Faith Principles.
Some people may say, "Well God knows I believe in Him and am a good Catholic, even if I do these things as change occurs." 0 My Dear Children, that may be true to an extent but the various changes and your acquiescence of them does not show you know the Faith and are being very weak in fulfilling your duty as a Catholic. No matter what their argument you must assess the fact truth from fiction, the True Catholic beliefs from the newer modernist view.
This is the problem today with some Catholics who have accepted the work of Eucharistic Ministers. We have explained the errors of this over the years, yet some are cajoled by Priests into doing it. What is it that makes them do so? Could it be pride? Or not understanding the problem? Some say "Its best I do it. Look who might be asked." 0 My Children, why do you seek a rationale that favors your participation? It is paradoxical that some who only receive from a Priest and on the tongue themselves, are also Eucharistic Ministers. That I do not understand. It appears without reason. No, it is important you realize what you are doing. Make a decision and make a change. You say No if asked. Others must find the error of these ways themselves.
All this and more have come about due to the lack of reverence in the Holy Eucharist. The extreme nonchalance of those who receive Holy Communion and the great indifference shown the Holy Eucharist by some Priests. That is not the way it should be or was it that way years ago. This has become a growing trend. It is difficult to watch the bruising of My Son in Holy Eucharist by those who mistreat Him. He suffers greatly and as a Mother I suffer greatly. Indeed Jesus has stopped coming in some places at the Eternal Father's insistence. Woe to those Priests with such indifference and who treat or allow My son to be bruised so badly. Where is the respect for God?
Now Dear Children, We all have much to pray about. We all have great numbers of people to help with prayer. Do we not? Aren't there long lists of people who need your prayer and its Grace? 0 yes. These times require those of Faith to consider the great and small who need prayer. Join Me as your Mother's Helpers in prayer for all. Join Me Dear Children, in our daily combat against the evils which have invaded the world by praying. When you have a free minute, say a prayer. As you drive through traffic, say a prayer. As you walk, as you clean, wash, all times your mind is free, say a prayer. That will really help, believe Me. It will help because you are not alone as you pray. You have your Mother with you. Together thousands of these little prayers joined together as one with your Mother can work miracles. I love you all, Dear Children. I am your Mother.- Mary"


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