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23 LUGLIO 2015 – 8:10 A.M.   APPELLO DI GESU’ SACRAMENTATO AL SUO POPOLO FEDELE Pace a voi, figli Miei.   Si avvicinano i giorni...

martedì 22 luglio 2014


St. Joseph, May 1, 2002

"Dear Children, both the Son of God, Jesus Christ, and the Blessed Mary, Every Virgin have sufficiently alerted you again for preparation, alertment and security. This they have done in earnest for We are seeing many who could prepare but deliberately decide not to prepare. Some even have stated that they hope to die because all this is too much work.
 0 My Children, it gives me great sadness to see you give in to the evil one who causes you to think in despair and futility. It is not right to lose heart and become so eager to give up against the enemy. It is not right for you to dismiss yourself before God Who eagerly wishes to help all because He loves you, each and every one. Just try, Dear Children, try to do something to prepare yourselves Spiritually, mentally and physically. If no more, then do the Spiritual and mental preparation. God wants this for you.
Now I turn My attention to the direction given me by God the Eternal Father. He wants me to speak about the way Catholics seem to be taken advantage of due to their belief that they can not or should not speak out when pressured thinking that it is wrong and lacks humility. You have confused laziness for humility. You have forgotten that Justice demands you try to do something against the evil overtaking you. Justice demands you try. While you may not achieve the goal you seek, at least you should try to correct the errors you see and hear about. This applies to Church problems as well as world problems. A letter, a call, speaking to someone, at least try to do something. At least pray for the situation to be resolved and pray for those affected. That is the least and yet great before God the Father. Pray and ask the Angels and Saints to help with the situation.
I am surprised at how few who see some error or problem feel they do not wish to be involved and do nothing. If they speak of the problem, it usually is to those close to them, friends or family, who agree there is a problem but do nothing about it. Fear of involvement leads people away from Justice. Justice requests you to act appropriately when problems are encountered.
So many today just do not feel they have the time or interest to help when they could do so. This does not imply you will get your way or that your actions will resolve the problem, but you can say you have tried.
This is especially true today in the Church and, to be sure, Bishops are more open to people's comments due to the problems faced by the pedophile priests. Bishops are encountering people more readily and now recognize they must listen though they may not do anything. At least you made your feelings heard before God and man.
 It is courage you need. It is strength of resolve. It is difficult at times, but you can do what needs to be done privately. It is hard to make yourselves known, yet you can do so and still maintain your security. Just be prudent and resourceful.
Stand up for your rights while you can. When enough people speak against the whims of a Priest, the Bishop may listen and seek some change. If you let those persons in charge of an office or bureau know what is wrong, you express the opinion of many who have not spoken up and people know this and listen, but someone must make the effort to speak up. Whole books have been written about those who, in their lives, find the courage to speak up when they see problems.
God the Father wants you to know He would like to see you practice Justice with more eagerness. Too many are afraid and do not wish to become involved, and this is wrong.
My Children, I encourage you to know your Faith and Faith practices. I encourage you to keep up with the ways the Church, the Holy Father with the Bishops, Cardinals and other Prelates are working in the Church. Read about decisions made. Study the Dogmas. In addition I believe you should become more aware of your government's actions. Keep up with the news. Read the paper. If you think your paper or magazine is biased, find another. The World news and the Church news are important contributors to your life's efforts and your Soul's destiny.
 Without proper clothing, you offend God. He takes grievance from this behavior. It also distracts others from their prayers and attention. I say only very selfish, self-centered individuals would parade into Church uncovered. And in that there is sinning. So I ask you, as one who has seen it all, to be more kind to your God, and do not cause Him any more grief.
 In addition I remind you to pray this summer. Do not take time off just because it is summer. There will be plenty of events this summer to pray about. The Terrorists attacks have not ended. They have only begun. You need to pray for all those whose lives will be disrupted by these attacks. Indeed pray that God in His Mercy will not bring trouble to you through these disruptive events. You have no idea, nor does any one truly know where or when some event is planned. The Terrorists are led by those who decide quickly after all is planned. I assure you there could be an attack about ever way.
So pray, My Children, pray that God the Father will be merciful and dissuade the attackers from your area and city. Pray to the Blessed Queen of Heaven to protect your area. Pray Her Chaplet of the Immaculate Heart of Mary given years ago in these messages. That Chaplet has great power to hold back evil from a city or area. Pray Her Rosary each day and ask for the protection of the Blessed Queen of Heaven and Her Saints and Angels.
 Now My Children, it is not by chance that the Lessons this month have all stressed the need for prayer, preparation and alertment. This is a grave time for all. So many are falling victim to various tragedies and illnesses. Some are also dying now, especially those who could not withstand the difficulties of further attacks and war.
Keep yourselves always prepared Spiritually and you really will have nothing to fear. Fear comes when one experiences hardship and crisis which is new and hurts or others are hurt. You need not be afraid. Remember Our God never sends you a difficulty beyond your ability to manage it. Prayer however increases your capacity to handle more.
Have some Masses said for yourselves and your family. It won't cost you very much—a small stipend. Ask for Grace for these days ahead. Seek Grace to overcome evil and do good in your lives and that of your family members. Pray together. Stay together. Live always in the presence of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Ask your Angels and Saints to surround, protect, guide and assist you. We love you all. Until next month, I am Joseph"

St. Joseph, May 15, 2002

"My Sweet Children, I will conclude these public messages with a Special prayer to God the Eternal Father for you all….Dear Eternal Father, may all these who read and believe in Our Holy Words, receive a great gift of enlightenment and an Angel of Enlightenment to clear their minds and open their hearts to see and understand what you desire of them. I pray for them and ask for your Special Blessing upon them. Amen." Thank you, My Children. I am Joseph"

St. Joseph, June 1, 2002

"Be advised, My Children, that God the Father has given you the gift of Sacramental Confession in His Mercy. It is in Purgatory that people experience His exacting Justice. Let the opportunity for God's Mercy guide you to open yourselves up in order to expunge from your Souls every attitude, thought, desire, act, behavior which is contrary to God's Holy Will. Look carefully at the Ten Commandments and Precepts of the Church. Look carefully at the Virtues. Look to see in which ways you have allowed yourselves to go against God's Holy will. Then make a list and go to Confession. So many these days look upon Confession of sins as an antiquated idea, but this is what modernist Priests are telling them. So you need to find a holy traditional Priest to hear your thorough Confession. Make it whole and entire even if some sins are from long ago. Tell the Priest that also. Remember God knows when, where and how you have sinned. It is He in His Mercy Who hears you and absolves you. Make a good Confession. - Joseph"

St. Joseph, June 1, 2002

"Dear Children of the Holy Hearts of Jesus Christ and Mary Ever Virgin, I am Joseph. I wish to convey to you the wishes of God the Father. He has asked that you become much more conscious of your sins and to confess them completely. He asks me to speak about the need for greater awareness that you do sin and to study the virtues with their alternate vices to understand sin, and to study the meaning of the Ten Commandments to understand sin. It would help if you read some books about sin from the older collection of books as few new ones speak plainly about sins.
He has asked me to speak on this subject as so few Catholics really do a complete and thorough job of confessing. The problem in many cases has to do with personality and human nature. A person may perceive herself or himself to be a good Catholic and their confession reflects this. However they each could have certain vices that they do not confess. For example, a person who has a strong personality may not realize that as such he or she is very judgemental, aggressive, abrasive and in this, sins but also causes others to sin, who are the brunt of these aggressions. In addition these words may be lacking in charity, show lukewarm faith and belie a vice of self-centeredness or selfishness. In addition this person may also show anger or become angry when not listened to. Next there is pride and vanity which draws on the person's humors. Certain personality traits carry with them vices and sins. Too often these are ignored by a person who perceives herself or himself so self-righteous. Yes, you really need to look at what you do, think and behave. It is important also to confess the resultant sins from such a personality.
I have used this example in order to show you how many sins are overlooked and the cause of other sins. In order for you to confess well, you need to know yourself and be willing to accept what you find. Of course the next step is to work on changing what causes these sins. To amend one's life is important as a result of Confession of sins as the Act of Contrition so states. Each day at bedtime, an examination of conscience would help you become more aware of yourself. But Dear Children, you need also to admit to yourself there may be a problem. This is hard for some to do as they may think, "this is who I am, I can't change." My Children, recognition is the first step in all problem solutions. Recognize who and what you are and how you live your life. What are your words, your thoughts, your behaviors with others? By doing this you become alert to the occasion of sin and the vice it is. Then you can better offer it in Confession.
It has become clear to Heaven that many people sin, unconscious of their sins. They do not take the time to assess the sins they commit. Truly they do not know themselves. This lack of self-knowledge leads a person to confess half way and not completely. This is what the Heavenly Father means. You do not assess well. You lack the knowledge of self and you think a little is enough. No, My Children, to make progress in your Spiritual life, you need a more thorough examination of yourself and your sins and vices.
Now it has been said that only mortal sins need to be confessed. In one way that is true, but in another it is not. It is not true if you wish to use Confession as a means to know yourself and your sinning patterns, to make amends and to make proper reparation for your sins. It is important you confess mortal and venial sins to accomplish this goal. You then get a better picture of your Soul stained by both mortal and venial sins. Remember Purgatorial suffering is for venial as well as confessed mortal sins. For some, Purgatory is very lengthy owing to the number of unconfessed venial sins as well as confessed venial sins.
To amend one's life on earth and to make good, complete Confessions, full of personal awareness of self is an act of expiation for sin. It helps, enhances, one's awareness of reparation. To confess shows remorse, sorrow, and helps a person grow toward greater Spiritual health, but if one treats it lightly, gingerly, where is the depth of sorrow or amendment? This then is the problem. To know oneself and confess enables a person to pick up on their own occasions of sin and redirect their tendencies toward some sin or vice as sin also. To spend some time thinking about how one has performed since the last Confession gives depth to the Confession. Writing it down gives remembering and better understanding. Do not keep the list but study them when written so you can improve yourselves and make amends.
It is now time to look closely at how often you confess and to whom. Will any Priest do? He could, but perhaps you may feel more comfortable with a traditional holy Priest. Choose well and make it a choice, not just whomever. You will be happy you do so. Hopefully you go to Confession every two weeks for greatest progress. Some do so weekly, others monthly. It is surely your choice, but to see progress you may wish to try every two weeks. In this way you can remember what was said last time and see if you repeat those sins. Repeating sins will occur until and if you make a conscious effort to amend your behaviors.
You will be amazed at the kinds of personal rules people put on themselves for various acts. Confession is no different. They have a plan and they refuse to alter that plan. It is in their head how they wish to confess, to whom, when, why. This sort of plan does not leave much room for reality. This kind of perception on how, where, who fits a neat formula but does not really do the job of a thorough Confession. For them there is no room for alternative sins. They do not want to think about the reality of what needs to be confessed. They have their plan. Yet they may not cover all sins or even know of more sins because they have not inquired into other sins or what they could be for them.
Please do not get caught up in such a locked-in strategy even if you go to Confession often. Make time to examine your conscience and really assess yourself. Switch things around so you do not fall into the trap. Try very hard to study the Ten Commandments and what they really mean for sinning in your life. Everyone is different and due to personality differences have different sins. Recognize again, My Children, all human beings sin. Please do not fear to name all sins so that you may begin the amendment, the changes needed, and the reparation for your sins. There is nothing the Priest hasn't heard and God the Father greatly desires more careful and thorough examinations and confessions. It is now time to end this month's messages and I say to you all again, We love you. I am Joseph"

St Joseph, July 1, 2002

"Dear Children of the World. I am Joseph and have been given a message from the Eternal Father to share with you. He is greatly concerned by your lack of effort to prepare yourselves for the days events and times ahead and has asked me to again convey to you the great need to work harder at preparing. Do you have your extra water and food and funds ready? Have you measured your window coverings and prepared them? Do you have blessed candles ready to use? Have you made a list of valuables? Do you know where these are? Prepare My Children, now. - Joseph"

St. Joseph, July 1, 2002
"My Dear Children, We do not wish you to be so excited over the possibilities of events later that you are not ready. Now is the time to prepare for all events while you have some leisure to do so and can made rational and wise choices. I would not like to see you buying food later when prices are so high due to the weather and lack of goods for you know they will increase when others try to store goods in times of crises. It is best to try to do this now. Consider the rush in stores when crises come upon you. Consider that stores may run out of food. Consider that those days will be filled with panic buying. Try to obtain some extra supplies now. Do not wait. We love you, My Children, and ask you to heed Our call to be prepared. If others do not believe and prepare, so be it. They will be caught up in the fury of grocery lines and high prices. But you can be ready. We have tried to be prudent in telling you of these needs for you to prepare. We have tried to help you. Please do yourselves a favor and follow Our instructions. - Joseph"

St. Joseph, July 1, 2002
"Dear Children of the Most Pure Heart of St. Joseph I wish to provide you a message, a lesson that I believe will renew your resolve to prepare yourselves for these days ahead and for entry into the Reign of Peace. The days We have spoken of your preparation for the Reign of Peace were long ago and so many have not considered that preparation now Spiritually also will be a part of your preparation for the Reign of Peace for you must be prepared for that time Spiritually, also.
We have reported and examined the nature of the Reign of Peace. In so doing We have encouraged you to prepare Spiritually for it by making a General Confession and praying in reparation for your sins at least one day a week, so then your Soul will be cleansed and you will be thus admitted to the Reign of Peace.
Thus Spiritually ready, you will enter. Now I remind you, then, that your preparation today has a double focus. To be ready for these difficult days will also make you ready to enter the Reign of Peace. This should encourage your effort. This should remind you that there is a greater goal than just for this time. This should remind you that there are greater expectations for your preparations.
We of Heaven wish to remind you of these things as so many are caught up in the thoughts of today and forgotten the greater goal which is entry into the Reign of Peace.
So it is time to mention again that though life appears difficult for you now, there are rewards awaiting you. Do not delay, then, in your preparation. Do not let yourselves only look at these days, but rejoice that good things will come to you at its end.
Keep in mind, Dear Children, that hardships, difficulties and personal sufferings can be offered up in Sacrifice. Do not let these difficulties go by without offering them for your Soul and the Souls of those for whom you pray. Be assured all are accepted. Be assured We of Heaven are with you in these Sacrifices. Once offered, many are relieved of great burdens for offering says to God you accept what has been asked of you. Yes, acceptance today is the keystone of tomorrow's joys.
People tend to forget that God sometimes allows suffering until a person accepts it as His Will. A mental attitude of acceptance is what God desires. Let His Will be all for you. Let God take charge of all you have to endure. You let God decide and you accept what He asks of you. Continually say, "May your Holy Will be done in me, 0 Lord." And, "All for you Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary." Say, "I accept every moment from You, 0 Lord, knowing all is allowed by Your Hand." Be at peace, then, count on Heaven's Help, and be at peace.
My Sweet Children, it is hard for you sometimes to truly feel that God wants some things of you that you find difficult. You pray for cures, for healing, for relief. That is alright but under it all needs to be an awareness and acceptance that God wills you to suffer thus now. That is acceptance of God's Will for you. It is important.
People get so stressed by the fact things happen to them. They do not see God's Hand in these things. They are difficult to endure. Yet God has a plan for you and His Will will be done. The sooner you understand this, the happier you will be in your offering all to God as a Sacrifice.
People get so upset, so unnerved by things they can not control. They sometimes blame God and ask for things to get back to "normal". Life isn't always a straight line without peaks and valleys. These peaks and valleys offer you the time and resource to give sacrifice. Accept these changes as God's Will, Dear Children.
Now Dear Children, I wish you to meditate on how you might better present yourselves to God. You may wish to consider words which show Him your acceptance. You could say thank you and you hope that He will provide and help you in His Mercy. You might give Him the sacrifice He has asked you to bear and offer all for His Glory and for the Poor Souls in Purgatory.
These days are difficult, but they can be made lighter by your offering and trust. Jesus Christ spoke of trust. God will be your helper if you ask Him. Prepare your words while thinking about this and make ready use of these words daily. You will obtain a great feeling of relief.
These days are going by so quickly. There is barely enough time to complete what you normally could. Have you noticed this? It is the end of the roller and the roller goes more quickly as the end of the era approaches. Though quickly, please do not miss your prayers and devotions. Keep them in your schedule for each day.
Dear Children, I wish to conclude these lessons with another brief lesson. It is this: All of Heaven will come to your assistance if you ask. Ask that "all the Angels and Saints surround, protect, guide and assist me, in all I do and in every way this day and each day of my life."
I have given you several lines for prayers in this lesson. I hope you memorize them and speak them often. Contemplate what they really mean and put that meaning into practice in your lives.
Sweet Children, I am Joseph."

St. Joseph, August 1, 2002

"Sweet Children, I, Joseph, shall give you lessons asked of me by the Eternal Father. He continues to ask that I explain and encourage the True Faith. He asks me to alert you to the tragedies coming forth from the Modernists. The changes are not good, My Children. They are losing in the Grace you need to sustain you and the many who receive Grace from the Catholic Liturgy and Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. - Joseph"

St. Joseph, August 1, 2002

"My Sweet Children, you have a tradition, a history, in the Catholic Faith and Religion. You have thousands of years of examples, of Saints and Holy Angels. You have much information to discern Truth from fiction. Do not let yourselves be dissuaded by fast talking Modernists or laity who feel they are right, because the Truths of the Faith shall stand forever. The Truths of the Faith are good and True because God designed them and what He does is correct and the best. Now I wish to speak to those who have separated themselves from their Holy Pontiff. You can not do that and remain in the Line of Grace. Though what he may do is not what you may like, he is the key element in the Line of Grace. Follow Pope John Paul II. Know he will live until a True Successor has been installed for the Reign of Peace. The other person who will be elected as Pontiff will be the Anti-Pope. He will destroy the Faith and Church even more. Stay always with Pope John Paul II. - Joseph"

St. Joseph, August 1, 2002

"Sweet Children of the Most Pure Heart of St. Joseph, I am Joseph, asked by the Eternal Father to give you monthly thoughts of His mind and Heart in order for you to conform more completely to His Divine Wishes. We have done so for close to ten years now and each year you can see Our Eternal Father's wishes become more specific and more direct for your Spiritual health. He is somewhat worried, if I can call it that, for He sees the Catholic Faith lose Its Grace and more and more Catholics lose their drive, their enthusiasm, to practice their Faith to be ready, more ready, for Heaven.
In these days of Church turmoil and the events of the World more evidently warlike, there is a greater need for your personal efforts to gain Grace rather than lesser. Due to this need, He has asked me again to speak about your efforts and the need for you to become more earnest as Catholics to save your Souls and the Souls of those around you. This, then, is the emphasis I have given to this lesson.
I am sure by now, for those who have read the messages over time, you understand the great need for this and similar lessons. I am sure, by now, you recognize the impact of these Spiritual Directions. It is up to you now. You are on your own to both discover the True Faith Principles and live them. Due to this fact, We have shared with you aspects of the Faith, ways to holiness and virtue, and paths to Heaven. We do this because so few persons in authority are doing so and because people of the Faith have become lukewarm in their response to the Principles of the Faith.
Therefore I wish to say again that this is no time to be casual or lukewarm. Rather this is a time to be anxious and forthright, and practice the Faith as you may have never done before. What does this mean?
It means, My Children, that you set aside the things of this World and place your life's emphasis upon what matters Spiritually. Mass, Holy Communion, Rosary, Confession, Novenas, daily prayers in a disciplined manner, Holy Hours before the Blessed Sacrament, time spent with Our Lord. These are the essential aspects of a good Spiritual life. In addition it would be wise to review the Commandments and Virtues and live these principles, put them into practice. Turn away from the designs of the World and hold in your minds, the things that are sacred.
Now perhaps you have said or say, I do these things. Well then, you have made a good start. Now call upon Heaven to be with you. Ask Jesus to guide you to the next level of prayer which is meditation. In meditation, you can express your great love for Jesus Christ, God in the Most Blessed Trinity and His Mother, the Holy Virgin Mary, of the Saints and Angels. Ask the Angels and Saints to surround, protect, guide and assist you to live your life as you should to get to Heaven. This they will do.
In the process of praying be sure to consider the ways that Jesus and Mary would act and react in various situations. Let them be your models.
It is so disheartening to observe children who have not been brought up knowing the Faith and how to avoid sinning. Your World offers to these children so many enticements and irregular patterns of thought. Many ignore all but what the World says to them. So many fail to confess their sins because they do not know what sins they have committed. Yet you as parents must express to them what sin is and how to confess. That is your job, your responsibility. If some Children would die without confessing, they would surely die [eternally]. This is due to their very real responsibility as Catholics to know the Faith and live it. Yes, even youth must know what to believe and to practice their Faith. This is a requirement of the Faith.
Sweet Children, you must remember that the Catholic Faith is like no other. It has specific requirements for practice, rules and laws of practice. It is not a casual come-and-go-on-Sunday Faith. It is a Faith which directs your life in ways like no other. It advises you to action. It commits you to act at certain times, such as receiving Confession and Holy Communion during the Octave of Lent. This is a minimal requirement, but put in place so you will confess at least once a year. 0 My Children, We ask you confess much more often — every two weeks at least. We do this so you become aware of your sins, seek to amend them, and offer sacrifice in reparation for your sins. Please choose one day a week to pray in reparation for your sins and to cleanse your Soul.
Dear Children, I am asked to speak bluntly to you regarding these matters because so few have the heart to understand and follow the ways of Faith. So many are Sunday Catholics, and even then there are obstinate attitudes about attending the Holy Mass. These attitudes lead people to accept the socialization offered by Modernists at, before and after Mass, which is a great affront to the Holy Presence of God in the Tabernacle.
0 My Children, this casual way of Faith leads many to forget that they have sinned or they should confess before receiving Holy Communion. So they walk to Holy Communion as casually as if it is just part of what they do in coming to Holy Mass, no matter for them the sins they have committed. Then sin upon sin, a sacrilege if they have mortal sins. 0 My Children, the errors in receiving Holy Communion in sin have grown. Few receive without any sin. Many receive with venial sin. Some also receive who are in mortal sin. It is a great tragedy for Souls, and one you need to watch carefully in yourselves.
Now My Children, I encourage you to become more aware of your own Spiritual growth and those of your children and family. Remind them of Confession times. Say the Rosary together at home. Try to make your homes holy and stay alert to the ways you practice your Faith.
The times ahead will be difficult. The times now are difficult, but you can do what must be done. We are here to help you. Call upon Us.
Dear Children, know that We of Heaven look down on you and pray to God the Father to help you overcome all the temptations that your world puts before you. Think always of God and His ways. He is your center, your hope. He will be your reward.
0, if you could see Heaven and recognize what it is and what Hell is like, there would be a great rush to fulfill all that is required to get to Heaven. We are asking you to try much harder to assure your place in Heaven now.
I love you all. - Joseph. Until next month..."

St. Joseph, October 1, 2002

"My Sweet Children, I say to you again, learn your Faith. We have tried and I have tried to teach you various aspects of Faith as directed of me by the Eternal Father, and each month I view my contribution as a sign you need to work harder at being a Catholic Faithful. You need to work harder to learn what your Faith entails. You are no longer Children to be handed the Faith, but adults, and as adults you have responsibilities. These responsibilities require, as the Commandments demonstrate, that you seek to know your God and your Faith. Therefore I say again, find a Catechism. Study your Faith. Teach your Children. Do not waste time. You need to understand what it is you are preserving for the young and for yourselves. Your Faith is a prize possession and must be considered of immense value. - Joseph"

St. Joseph, October 1, 2002
"My Sweet Children, think through your life and your days since We have made known to you the great events to come. Think what you have done to prepare. Have you prepared your Soul and your goods? Do you have your mind prepared to accept all that the Eternal Father desires of you? Think about this world, about Heaven, Hell and Purgatory. Have you been working to expiate your sins? Have you prayed in reparation? Have you thought about going into the Reign of Peace and what that could entail? It has been said that the Reign of Peace will require much of you. Are you prepared for what you must do? 0 My Children, I speak this way to ready you, prepare you, for you do not know the day or the hour. We love you all. - Joseph"

St. Joseph, November 1, 2002
My Sweet Children of My Most Pure heart. I am grieved by the lack of respect given to God in the Holy Tabernacles of the World. I am very grieved by the lack of respect paid to the images of Our Lady, Mary Ever Virgin. It is so very sad to witness the casualness and utter disregard given to both. People come to Holy Mass dressed shabbily and dirty. Yet they still hold out their dirty hands to receive the King of Heaven and Earth. No respect, no idea in their heads that God has come to them. I am most appalled by the indifference given to the Mother of God. She bears these insults with calm humility. The rest of Heaven loudly exclaims these profanities and turn to God the Father to end this travesty. It is slowly being dealt with as greater devotion has now begun since your Holy Pontiff instituted a new Rosary. Pray the Rosary, Dear Children with thanksgiving to the great and glorious Mother of God. - Joseph"
Our Lady, November 1, 2002

"Sweet Children, it has been a most exciting year with much activity and many events, yet it has also been a year of intrigue, difficulties and problems. During this year, We have encouraged you to prepare well and not forget that devotion to the Faith and earnestness for your Soul should be foremost in your thoughts. Do not forget your prayers, your resolutions to pray more, and to hold to God's Commandments while seeking Virtue and Grace. This next year is a year of great change. There will be such great changes that many will become depressed and unable to function well. So I say, go to Confession soon and stay in the State of Sanctifying Grace while you can do so easily.
The changes this year involve the forthcoming war and other changes in the World. Just remain at peace and pray for all your family near and far. Never lose hope and trust, My Dear Children, in God and His Mother. Call often on the Angels and Saints to guard and protect you. Try always to pray each day for Souls and those who will die suddenly. Try to remember to keep holy the days of feasts, Sundays and enter Lent with renewed courage and purpose. My dear Children,
We look to you to help pray for the many who are ill and dying. We look to you to pray for the government leaders and service personnel who seek to defend you. There are still many, many pockets of unrest in the World. Perhaps you have seen these on your news. Keep up to date. Watch your news. These days pay particular attention to the leadership in foreign lands. Many changes will occur. Pray for peace. We are with you. We love you. - Mary"

Our Lady, November 1, 2002

"Dear Children, I want you to remember that Heaven must be earned through your actions. Jesus died for all and opened Heaven. But He only opened it. To get there you must follow His ways, His path to Heaven through a life which shines with Virtue and full of Grace. You must try very hard to follow all that the Faith requires with frequent Confession, Mass and reception of Holy Communion. I say this to you because false prophets have spread error. You must follow your Faith and live it to enter the gate of Heaven. I love you all. - Mary"

St. Joseph, December 1, 2002
"Sweet Children,of God, the Eternal Father has again asked Me to explain to you the circumstances surrounding the election of the Anti-Pope. The way of election will be vastly different than usual, so you can be aware of the situation for the news media will cover this story. But I am to discuss the problem with such an election. The problem is that person will not be in the Line of Grace. He will be the Anti-Pope. Though people may perceive that the current Pope died, that will not be true. Now who is it you offer prayers for at night to receive the Indulgences of the day? You pray for Pope John Paul II 's intentions to receive your Graces. He will continue to be the Line of Grace from Heaven though in exile. Keep this in mind, Dear Children, as you pray. It will not be a long time during which the Anti-Pope with the Anti-Christ will rule the World, yet you will find it quite hard. You need to pray you can withstand the persecution and antagonism under their reign. - Joseph"

St. Joseph, December 1, 2002

"Sweet Children of My Most Pure Heart, We love you all and seek to help you in all aspects of your lives. To do so We need to speak very harshly about your dress and manners during Mass. I do not know what you are thinking. Your form of clothes are lustful and show too much skin. You need to dress more modestly. You need to understand that other people can sin because of your appearance. You look like only the evil ones could have dressed you, because it appears by your clothing and behavior to have hatred and indifference for being in God's Presence.
I am sorry if I offended you, but you need to know I wish at times to be able to wrap a coat or shawl around you, to cover you. And it is not just the women and girls who come so offensively dressed and lacking in proper behavior. The men do not come properly clothed either. Too tight clothing, old work pants, dirty garments and unwashed hair. All of Heaven takes offense at what We see at times. Bikinis, short shorts, halter tops. This is not a pool party, My Children. Pray in reparation for these indignities to your God.
The proper clothing should be clean, appropriately modest, completely covering your body. You should act as if you are visiting a King, which you are. You should behave properly. Genuflect and pray on your knees for awhile. So many just sit down. There does not appear to be any reverence or consideration that you are in God's house. All this has happened because the worldly trends have invaded the Church. Attitudes appear to reflect the lack of knowledge in the Faith and lack of belief in the True Presence.
Dignity, polite actions, proper pose, reverence are what is called for. If you are younger you may think I am referring to old-fashioned ideas. I am not. Many young people perform, dress and act appropriately. That is what is needed, appropriateness in the House of God and in His presence. Try harder, My Dear Children. Try harder to please your God. - Joseph"

Jesus, December 1, 2002

"My Sweet Children, arise from your slumber and plan a New Year full of good deeds leading to a Heavenly reward. It is a time to rethink your efforts and plan for your future. Each New Year brings many to resolutions. I hope one resolution may be to protect and nourish your Soul with great Grace. Establish a discipline of prayer, sacrifice and obedience of God's commands for yourself. Make a plan that you can follow that is reasonable and doable. Try to understand yourself and needs. Try to understand what God desires of you. Think about your life. Change what is needed. Be alert to your sins and try to change the ways and times you sin. Take from your lives the occasions of sin. Try to find ways of gaining Grace each day as My Mother did when She lived upon earth. She always found a way to Praise God, to show Him love and devotion. She always fit into Her day the time to pray, adore, offer signs and symbols of Her love. You can do the same. You just need to prepare a space, a time and the activity, to do so. Try, My Children, for you do not know the day or the hour. - Jesus"

Jesus, December 1, 2002

"Sweet Children, I encourage you to grow more knowledgeable in the Truths of your Faith. When you have such knowledge, others will not be able to tell you errors or distract you from the True Faith. You need to do this because these are the times when many creative ideas will be shared with you which are not the truths of Faith, but others' ideas of faith, but not the Catholic Faith. Now I present to you in My lesson some facts of the General Judgement. I do so because I wish you more knowledgeable about your future. We have told you about the Reign of Peace and last month about the General Resurrection. This month the final great event of mankind's history is described. Many have ideas, but do not clearly perceive the event. I hope My lesson will clarify your perceptions. We love you greatly, Dear Children. Until next month, I am Jesus."

Our Lady, December 1, 2002

"Sweet Children, as the New Year unfolds there will be many events in the World and in the Church. You shall witness these. Pray very much for peace among countries and peoples AND pray that the outcomes of the war will not leave many destitute. The World today suffers due to the great evils which have shown themselves. These evils produce an atmosphere of distrust, envy, unrelenting pride. These evils make people sick, inclined towards murder, selfish, difficult, unable to reason. Sweet Children, We have cautioned you many times to prepare your minds, bodies and Souls for all that will come. Pray for others, pray for your family and friends, but also pray for those who will be hardest hit from the tragedies to come. All of Heaven prays with you, but I ask each of you to pray with Us. - Mary"

Our Lady, December 1, 2002

"My Sweet Children, try very hard in this New Year to renew your lives for God. Wake up and consecrate each moment as a prayer and sacrifice. It is really important that you not lose a moment's Grace. By consecrating your moments all day, much Grace can be received. Offer all to God through Me, His Mother. I will embellish your gifts and present them to God the Father whose Glory We all seek. You may work all day at home or away from home. You may need to go on many errands or a few. You may not have time to stop and work at verbal prayer or even attend Mass, but you have covered the bases. You have made all you do a prayer for Grace. That means what life brings you that day, your God accepts as a prayerful offering. Then you conclude the day offering your sleep as a prayer, and say the prayers for the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, wherever he is, of one Our Father, one Hail Mary and one Glory be. If you can do no other that day, much Grace has been won for your intentions. I continue to ask you to pray for My intentions also. I am still trying to save Souls. I am still praying for a peaceful World, for the Church, the Pope, Bishops and and Priests to hold to the True Faith. There are always prayers needed for those ill, those who die quickly with no preparation. I pray each day for these intentions as I wish you to do also. The World and its people need prayer to help lift them out of the clutches of Satan and evil. So many tell Me how sick the World has gotten. It makes them sick also at times. Prayer is the energy God uses to make your World function efficiently. It guides all of creation. The one thing missing in your World today that could change much is prayer. People do not pray as they should. They hardly ever think of God unless there is a crisis. Well, My Children, there will be many crises to come. Perhaps in them, people will return to God alone. - Mary"

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