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23 LUGLIO 2015 – 8:10 A.M.   APPELLO DI GESU’ SACRAMENTATO AL SUO POPOLO FEDELE Pace a voi, figli Miei.   Si avvicinano i giorni...

lunedì 29 dicembre 2014


Conferenza di Luz de María del 28 marzo 2014:


L'Avvertimento è stato annunciato a Garabandal, un fatto che mantiene in allerta i credenti e i non credenti.  L'Avvertimento è stato dato prima a me, ma ciò non mi esonera dall'istante in cui dovrò viverlo come essere umano. Cristo mi ha fatto capire che l'Avvertimento è il risultato della malvagità dell’uomo, che si è consegnato nelle mani del male e, tale malvagità, genera la realizzazione dell’Avvertimento da parte della Divina Misericordia.
Tale evento è di origine spirituale e, qualche giorno prima dell'Avvertimento, gli uomini percepiranno dentro di sé la prossimità di quest'evento della Divina Misericordia.
Non si può separare l'intervento Cosmico, poiché gli scienziati identificheranno molto tempo prima un asteroide in avvicinamento alla Terra, avvertiranno l'umanità e l'aspettativa sarà caotica. L'imminenza dell'impatto con l'asteroide sulla Terra metterà in allerta tutta l'umanità. L'uomo vedrà l'asteroide e il terrore s'impadronirà delle creature umane, ma la Mano Divina, sempre presente, interverrà per far esplodere l'asteroide, che non raggiungerà la Terra; gli uomini, tuttavia, assisteranno alla distruzione dell'asteroide, i cui frammenti cadranno sulla Terra senza causare ulteriori danni.
La luce che l'asteroide sprigionerà esplodendo sarà tale che l'occhio umano ne sarà come accecato, il che inquieterà l'uomo ancora di più, terrorizzandolo. Qualcuno potrebbe anche perdere la vita a causa di un attacco di cuore per il terrore dell'ignoto che lo invaderà.
Vedremo come, quel giorno, la coscienza dell'uomo sarà analizzata come origine della Misericordia Divina. Dopodiché, l'umanità entrerà in un periodo di caos fatale come non mai...
L'Avvertimento non è lontano dall'umanità, per questo siamo continuamente esortati a essere sinceri. Un'arma potente utilizzata dal diavolo è la menzogna.
Abbiamo aspettative e speranze nell'Avvertimento, perché crediamo che in questo modo l'umanità migliorerà, ma non siamo mai stati tanto in errore come ora. L'Avvertimento è qualcosa di personale, qualcosa che ha a che fare con la coscienza, è proprio legato a essa. Ma cosa accadrà a coloro che una coscienza non ce l’hanno? Dimenticheranno e negheranno l'Avvertimento perché privi di coscienza, diranno che tutto è stato manipolato per gli interessi della Chiesa o di altri. L'Avvertimento è qualcosa di molto personale, sappiamo bene che ci sembrerà di essere in un film, ma che sarà Cristo a proiettarlo davanti a noi, e vedremo tutte le nostre opere e gli atti della nostra vita passarci davanti; il bene che abbiamo fatto e il male che abbiamo commesso, come pure il bene che abbiamo lasciato incompiuto, e saremo noi stessi a giudicare il modo in cui abbiamo operato e agito. Sapremo se avremo agito bene o male.
La coscienza, che è come la scheda di memoria dell'uomo, che registra anche il più piccolo gesto o atto fatto da lui, farà sì che l'uomo cercherà di sfuggire alla paura che sentirà. La paura sarà generata dal male che si è impadronito delle creature umane, altrimenti, l'Avvertimento si sarebbe mitigato; il tormento per le creature coscienti dell'assenza di Cristo sarà enorme, dal momento che chi non è a conoscenza della Divina Presenza in sé, cadrà direttamente nel panico per poi passare all'esame di se stesso. Saranno momenti, secondi che sembreranno senza fine e il dolore di tutti sarà identico a quello sopportato dalle anime soggette alla massima punizione dell'inferno: la lontananza di Cristo, il dolore di non averlo con sé.
Sembreranno ore, tuttavia saranno solo istanti e, quando saranno passati, la creatura riacquisterà immediatamente la sua libertà. Si tratterà di un istante, di pochi secondi in cui vedremo scorrere davanti a noi tutta la nostra vita, tutte le nostre opere e i nostri atti, in quegli istanti non avremo più alcun libero arbitrio e saremo costretti a vedere tutto ciò che abbiamo fatto. Subito dopo l'avvertimento, avremo di nuovo il libero arbitrio e molti diranno: è opera e manipolazione della Scienza...
Per questo, l'Avvertimento è una prova per la coscienza, per questo dobbiamo risvegliare la nostra coscienza ora. Perché è una prova per la coscienza di ciascuno di noi, non è qualcosa che cambierà il corso degli eventi futuri. Ciò che sta per accadere, ciò che deve accadere, accadrà. Sarà un banco di prova per la coscienza, che modificherà le nostre opere e le nostre azioni, perché la nostra coscienza sia maggiore e possiamo comprendere quello che non avevamo compreso prima, se scegliamo liberamente di farlo.
La persecuzione della Chiesa di Cristo avverrà comunque, come pure la venuta dell'anticristo, vi saranno guerre, carestie e pestilenze, perché l'Avvertimento non serve a cambiare il corso degli eventi; serve, direi io, per cambiare la coscienza dell'uomo. Si tratta di una prova per la coscienza.
L'Avviso porterà a una maggiore consapevolezza e ci farà vedere le cose da un'altra prospettiva. Ci aiuterà a diventare più consci di ciò che sta accadendo. Più consapevolezza acquisiamo, maggiori opportunità avremo.
La progenie di satana prenderà parte attiva all'interno dell'umanità, portando i deboli a ribellarsi e quelli che non credono in Cristo ad agire a favore di satana, consentendogli di prendere le redini di tutte le loro opere e le loro azioni, e la malvagità del demonio si riverserà interamente all'interno degli uomini. Istanti cruenti in cui gli uomini digrigneranno i denti e rinnegheranno il bene; solo e soltanto il Resto Santo continuerà a essere una piccola luce che illuminerà la Terra.
In questo momento, i genitori stanno dicendo ai loro figli quello che succede? Queste creature, che subiranno le conseguenze dell'Avvertimento, si sono già formate e hanno già preso una coscienza e una decisione del tutto sbagliate. Per questo abbiamo il dovere di agire subito! Invece, agiamo troppo tardi.
So che la coscienza è un dono di Dio; tuttavia, così come la vita è un dono di Dio e l'uomo l'ha disprezzata, allo stesso modo anche la coscienza è un dono di Dio e l'uomo la disprezza".


La volontà umana non è buona compagna dell'uomo, lo fa sprofondare; per questo vi esorto a meditare e a essere pronti a modificare le vostre opere e i vostri atti. L'istante è solo istante e corre veloce. La coscienza farà sentire a ogni essere umano tutti i rifiuti pronunciati verso Mio Figlio e le costanti negazioni della Volontà Divina." BEATA VERGINE MARIA, 13/09/2013.

Osservo le opere degli uomini non per condannarli in ogni istante, ma per aiutarli e fare in modo che tornino a Me con sollecitudine, prima che il Mio Amore li chiami e sveli il loro procedere, anche ciò che nascondono nelle profondità del cuore credendo che io lo abbia dimenticato... NOSTRO SIGNORE GESÙ CRISTO, 28/06/2013.





sabato 27 dicembre 2014


Lacrimazione di olio in Penablanca - dicembre 2014

Amatissimi figli del Mio Cuore Immacolato:
Un gruppo non deve chiamarsi spirituale se non è accompagnato dalla preghiera, dal sacrificio e dal ricevere l'Eucaristia, debitamente preparati.   
Mie amati:
Mio figlio predicó, evangelizzó ed essendo Lui stesso l'Uomo Dio, si allontanava in solitudine per pregare Suo Padre e ricevere da Lui, non solo maggiori benedizioni e una  fusione totale con Lui, ma anche per ricevere istruzioni e la forza di cui aveva bisogno.
Mie amati:
La persona, pregando ripetitivamente e senza consapevolezza, non ottiene quanto si propone.
Con la preghiera si ascende e ci si avvicina alla Divinità, ma è la preghiera contemplativa, questo stare soli di fronte a Dio, che conferisce alla persona familiarità con suo Padre.
VI ABBIAMO INVITATO AD UNA PREGHIERA D'AZIONE, AIUTANDO I VOSTRI FRATELLI NEL MODO IN CUI MIO FIGLIO LO LASCIO' SCRITTO:  guarendo il malato, dando da mangiare all'affamato, visitando e viaggiando di città in città, di paese in paese, di luogo in luogo, da persona a persona.  Così anche voi come ripetitori di questa Consegna Divina, in questo momento dovete diventare azione totale, ma l'azione non si mantiene con forza se non è accompagnata dalla preghiera, da questo stare soli con Dio, da questa comunione con la Divinità.
Il Padre, il Figlio e lo Spirito Santo conoscono anche il minimo movimento dei Propri figli e rispettando la volontà umana, aspettano che i Loro figli chiedano quello di cui hanno bisogno.  Nel lasso di tempo in cui rimanete senza sollecitare l'Ausilio Divino, patite senza che ce ne sia bisogno.
Amati figli Miei:
Chiedete il pane giornaliero: quale pane state sollecitando in questo momento? Il pane materiale per saziare la fame o il pane della Parola?  Non sapete che quello di cui avete bisogno in questo momento è il Pane della Fusione con Mio Figlio, fusione che consiste in questo stare a tu per tu, soli con Mio Figlio, per rafforzarvi e in questo modo elevarvi al di sopra di quelli che non pregano e non entrano in questa comunione intima con Mio Figlio, affinchè lo Spirito Santo, tramite questa intimità, discenda su ciascuno di voi?
I MIEI FIGLI AGISCONO A FAVORE DEI LORO FRATELLI, MA SONO DEBILITATI, SENZA ARMI CHE LI PROTEGGANO, PERCHE' QUESTE ARMI LE DISTRIBUISCE UNICAMENTE LA PREGHIERA, quella preghiera in cui la persona si sublima e chiede allo Spirito Santo l'Aiuto Divino, affidandosi alla Volontà Divina senza timori, con quella sicurezza della quale la maggior parte di coloro che formano comunità che sono più sociali che spirituali, sono carenti.  La fraternità è un requisito richiesto da Mio Figlio, ma la fraternità non è completa senza creature che preghino il proprio Padre.
LA FEDE SENZA OPERE E' MORTA, ma... come si possono avere persone di Fede se non pregano, visto che è mediante la preghiera che vengono rafforzate dallo Spirito Santo per continuare la battaglia? Come possono definirsi creature di Dio se non si fortificano con il Pane Divino, con il Cibo calato dal Cielo, con il Corpo e il Sangue di Mio Figlio?
Amati figli Miei:
Quando ci si dovrà esaminare in particolare, poichè nell'Avviso  (1)  vivrete secondi che sembreranno un'eternità, e li vivranno con maggiore intensità coloro che si sono occupati del transitorio per loro convenienza, e non si sono sforzati di evitare il peccato, e non hanno dato alla Trinità Sacrosanta  la dovuta corresponsione alla Trinità Divina, che  sollecita la resa totale ed assoluta della volontà umana, per operare ed agire.
Miei Amati:
Il mondo si sente sperduto e coloro che guidano l'umanità preparano la guerra.
La Natura scuoterà grandi Nazioni con forza.
Miei Amati, vi invito a pregare per il Medio Orierente.
Amati figli del Mio Cuore Immacolato, vi invito a pregare con forza per gli Stati Uniti,
perchè il loro pianto si sentirà in tutto il mondo. 
(In questo momento la Madonna mi sta confidando una Petizione molto speciale. Mi sta indicando che che detta Richiesta sarà fatta conoscere all'umanità dopo che si sarà verificata).
Miei Amati:
Amati figli del Mio Cuore Immacolato:
Voi continuate a tenere la Mia Mano e ubbidite alla Mie Suppliche, siate figli d'Amore, di Fede e di Carità.  Non dimenticate che chi non ama è una creatura vuota e inerte.
Miei Apostoli degli Ultimi Tempi:
In questo momento, il grande Erode dell'umanità: l'energia nucleare (3)  causerà stragi che in questo momento non immaginate.  Esistono grandi Potenze che parlano di disarmo nucleare ma non è così, invece spostano le loro armi in paesi piccoli.  Nessuna Grande Potenza si disarmerà volontariamente per non diventare preda delle altre Potenze.
Vi amo e vi benedico, nel Nome del Padre, del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo.

giovedì 23 ottobre 2014


Il Papa Benedetto XVI ha detto nella sua prima enciclica "Deus Caritas est" (n. 17): "Il sì della nostra volontà alla Sua unisce intelletto, volontà e sentimento nell’atto totalizzante dell’amore. (…) Volere la stessa cosa e rifiutare la stessa cosa, è quanto gli antichi hanno riconosciuto come autentico contenuto dell’amore: il diventare l’uno simile all’altro, che conduce alla comunanza del volere e del pensare. La storia d’amore tra Dio e l’uomo consiste appunto nel fatto che questa comunione di volontà cresce in comunione di pensiero e di sentimento, e così, il nostro volere e la Volontà di Dio coincidono sempre di più: la Volontà di Dio non è più per me una volontà estranea, che i comandamenti mi impongono dall’esterno, ma è la mia stessa volontà, in base all’esperienza che, di fatto, Dio è più intimo a me di quanto lo sia io stesso. Allora cresce l’abbandono in Dio e Dio diventa la nostra gioia".

!! La Divina Volontà, essenza e vita di Dio:

!! Domande essenziali sulla Divina Volontà:

!! La meraviglia di vivere nel Divino Volere:

Concetti fondamentali

Necessità di conoscere il Dono

Gesù ti amo

La S. Comunione

Vita nascosta di Gesù


A proposito di Luisa Piccareta e dell'Indice dei libri proibiti (da

“Con la beatificazione del Beato Annibale Di Francia sono stati approvati dalla Chiesa anche i Suoi scritti e quindi anche le prefazioni alle opere di Luisa” (dall’Omelia del 23 Gennaio 1991 di S.E.Mons. Carata, Arcivescovo di Trani, nella chiesa di San Domenico in Corato (BA)) (*)
L’Indice dei libri proibiti era il catalogo ufficiale dei libri condannati dalla Sede Apostolica come
dannosi alla fede o alla morale, e di cui, nella precedente legislazione, erano vietati, salvo speciale
dispensa, sia la lettura che lo stesso possesso. Tale Indice, pubblicato la prima volta nel 1559 sotto
Paolo IV e aggiornato man mano in numerose edizioni successive, rimase in vigore fino al 14.06.1966, quando la Congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede ne ha abolito il valore giuridico, restando soltanto il dovere morale di non mettere in pericolo la propria fede (Enchir. Vat., vol. 2. pp. 674-677).

(*) Padre Annibale Maria di Francia, proclamato santo nel 2004, fondatore delle Figlie del Divino Zelo nel 1987 insieme a Melanie Calvat, la veggente di La Salette (Dal 1987 al 1989 Melanie, che viveva in Puglia, diresse l'opera femminile del di Francia, dietro sua richiesta, segno evidente della stima che il sacerdote aveva per lei), fondatore dei padri Rogazionisti (1897), amico di don Luigi Orione (canonizzato lo stesso giorno del 2004!) confessore di Luisa Piccareta dal 1910 per 17 anni e censore dei suoi scritti, promotore dell' Orologio della Passione. Dopo la morte di padre Annibale, dal 1928 al 1938 Luisa si trasferì a vivere nella casa delle Figlie del Divino Zelo di Corato (Bari).
Morto il 1 giugno 1927, il corpo di padre Annibale si trova nella Basilica di S. Antonio a Messina. Il suo cuore è rimasto incorrotto dopo quasi cento anni.

venerdì 17 ottobre 2014


(Maria SS. a Enoc, 14 aprile 2014)  fonte

Il virus, che gli scienziati al servizio del Mio avversario, hanno creato nei laboratori, presto si diffonderà nell'aria e porterà grandi pandemie che decimeranno la popolazione mondiale. Le nazioni del terzo mondo, così chiamate dai re di questo mondo, avranno la popolazione decimata, e dopo la guerra saranno sottomesse dal Nuovo Ordine Mondiale. (...)
La grande guerra sarà sfruttata per portare il caos alle Nazioni e decimare gran parte dell'umanità. Figlioli, ricordate le medicine naturali e le raccomandazioni che abbiamo dato tramite il nostro strumento Mary Jane Even, teneteli molto presenti quando si scatenerà la pandemia, perché essi salveranno molte vite. Tutto è pronto e pianificato dai re di questo mondo per iniziare il Regno di schiavitù e morte con cui inizierà il tempo finale del Mio avversario. (...) Preparatevi figli Miei per l'arrivo del Microchip, il marchio della bestia: sapete che questo è il sigillo con cui il Mio avversario segnerà il suo gregge. Non accettatelo per nessun motivo: è meglio morire che perdere la vostra anima. Il Cielo non vi abbandonerà, Mio Padre vi invierà la manna quotidiana: basta avere fede e fiducia nel Signore. Restate uniti nella preghiera e nell'amore e nulla vi mancherà. Vostra Madre vi guiderà e vi mostrerà la strada da seguire ogni giorno. (...) Il Mio Santo Rosario è lo strumento che vi guiderà alle porte della Nuova Creazione.

(Gesù a Enoc, 17 giugno 2014)
Si avvicina una grave pandemia che ridurrà gran parte della popolazione mondiale. Virosi sono diffuse nello spazio aereo di molte nazioni: i re di questo mondo al servizio del Mio avversario stanno sostenendo queste campagne che mirano ai paesi del cosiddetto terzo mondo, il cui obiettivo è la diminuzione della popolazione di bambini e di anziani. (...) Figli miei, controllare nuovamente, vi dico, il messaggio di sopravvivenza dato al Nostro strumento Mary Jane Even, perché molte malattie e pandemie che si avvicinano saranno guarite solo con le medicine naturali che ho dato attraverso questo messaggio. Vi ricordo che siete nel tempo della purificazione e non potrete rilassarvi con la preghiera, perché il Mio avversario, i suoi emissari e i padroni del male non riposano, cercando il modo per farvi perdere. Venite con me nel silenzio della notte, alle 3:00 e alle 15:00per pregare insieme il Mio Rosario della Divina Misericordia.

(Gesù a Luz de Maria, 7 luglio 2014) fonte

Amato Popolo Mio, IL MIO AMORE NEI VOSTRI CONFRONTI MI IMPONE DI DARVI LA LUCE NECESSARIA AFFINCHE' NON CAMMINIATE COME CIECHI, MENTRE IO VI FORNISCO LA MIA LUCE PER ILLUMINARVI IL CAMMINO VERSO CASA. Non rimanete nelle tenebre, che in questo momento sono: l'errore, l'inganno, la menzogna e l'ignoranza. Amati, discernete invocando il Mio Santo Spirito, per ottenere la saggezza necessaria affinchè in questi momenti non prendiate vie sbagliate.  Sapete bene che le profezie vengono interpretate in vari modi, ma Io vi invito a non interpretarle, ma ad attenervi ad esse, a non trasformale in un enigma, ma in un ausilio che vi fornisca la chiarezza necessaria ad impedirvi di continuare a dormire. I SEGNI DEI TEMPI NON SONO UNA NOVITA', LI HO ANNUNCIATI DALL'ANTICHITA' AFFINCHE' I PECCATORI SI CONVERTISSERO E I CONVERTITI PROGREDISSERO NELLA FEDE.  Non lasciatevi sommergere da questa anemia spirituale che ha invaso moltissime anime, che vivono nella comodità della corrente del mondo schiavizzato dai peccati. Figli, vivete in guerre intestine che vi condurranno alla guerra temuta; guardate come gli uomini si sollevano contro gli uomini, le nazioni contro le nazioni.  Non abbiate paura, nonostante ciò, non abbiate paura.  Le pestilenze nate nei laboratori di coloro che dominano il mondo vi flagelleranno ma, nonostante ciò, non abbiate paura. La Mia Casa vi libererà dai dardi velenosi del male; la Fede è necessaria, così come l'obbedienza ai Miei Comandamenti e l'amore nei Miei confronti.

(Gesù a Luz de Maria, 8 settembre 2014)

La carestia è cominciata, ma guai a coloro che affidano la loro esistenza unicamente all’alimento materiale!...  Avete dimenticato che Mio Padre diede da mangiare al Suo Popolo fedele nel deserto?  Così fu, così sarà.  Anche se ciascuno deve fare la sua parte: non dovete essere come coloro che tentano la Mia Casa, e non si sforzano di provvedere per i momenti annunciati.

 (Maria SS. a Luz de Maria, 5 ottobre 2014)

La peste avanza costantemente, senza che sia fermata.  E’ stata causata dalla scienza mal impiegata, portandosi appresso un nuovo flagello per i Miei Figli, sconosciuto e più aggressivo.  Figli, utilizzate quanto vi ho menzionato per combattere queste malattie contagiose.  (...)  Amati non abbiate paura, i  figli della Fede sono consapevoli della necessità di una Purificazione della razza umana, prima che anche gli eletti si perdano. IL MIO CUORE MANTIENE LA PROTEZIONE SU TUTTI QUELLI CHE LO DESIDERANO. Addentratevi nell’Amore Divino di Mio Figlio e non proverete la solitudine, ma camminerete nella luce che emana solamente dalla Divinità. VI PROTEGGO, NON TEMETE, NON SIETE SOLI. IO SONO CON CIASCUNO DI VOI, SONO VOSTRA MADRE E LE MIE LEGIONI RIMANGONO SULLA TERRA, PROTEGGENDOVI.  Vi benedico.

(Maria SS. a Luz de Maria, 11 ottobre 2014)

Il popolo di Mio Figlio non cammina da solo: Lui, Cristo, cammina davanti e non lo abbandona.
 Amati figli, consacratevi al Mio Cuore Immacolato. Amate Mio Figlio in spirito e verità, venite a riceverlo. Vi benedico, vi amo. Mamma Maria

Di che parliamo? Leggete qua:

Sul Liberian Observer: denuncia di un medico liberiano

Ebola può essere una soluzione alla sovrappopolazione

esperto di ebola era sull'aereo malaysian

Ebola si può curare


sabato 27 settembre 2014

L'Olio di San Raffaele Arcangelo

In occasione della festa dei SS. Arcangeli Michele, Raffaele e Gabriele (29 settembre)

Messaggio di S. Raffaele, Arcangelo di Dio, a un'anima eletta di nome Herald, del 24 giugno 1993 alle 2:55 
“Herald, ti parla San Raffaele Arcangelo. Prendi dell'olio d'oliva, in sostituzione delle mie precedenti indicazioni. Prendi quest'olio (circa  ¼ di litro) e fallo bollire insieme a 30 petali di rosa più una rosa intera, quando comincia a bollire si spegne il fuoco. Così otterrai un balsamo che allevierà qualunque infermità o sofferenza. Se applichi il balsamo, prega le seguenti preghiere:"
 Io credo in Dio, Padre onnipotente, creatore del cielo e della terra;  e in Gesù Cristo, suo unico Figlio,  nostro Signore, il quale fu concepito di Spirito Santo, nacque da Maria Vergine, patì sotto Ponzio Pilato, fu crocifisso, morì e fu sepolto;  discese agli inferi; il terzo giorno risuscitò da morte;  salì al cielo, siede alla destra di Dio Padre onnipotente; di là verrà a giudicare i vivi e i morti.  Credo nello Spirito Santo,  la santa Chiesa cattolica, la comunione dei santi, la remissione dei peccati,  la risurrezione della carne,  la vita eterna. Amen.
Ora si ripete 3 volte questa preghiera:
 O Madre di Dio, Maria Rosa Mistica, concedimi, insieme all'Arcangelo San Raffaele, l'Angelo delle guarigione di Dio, la grazia di sentire un profondo dolore per i miei peccati e di implorare davanti a Dio per 3 volte il Tuo Santo Nome, perché Egli mi conceda l'aiuto divino nella mia attuale infermità. Amen. 
Ora si ripete 3 volte:
Gloria al Padre, Gloria al Figlio e Gloria allo Spirito Santo, com'era nel principio ora e siempre, nei secoli dei secoli. Amen. Bendedetto e lodato sia il nome del Signore, ora e per tutta l'eternità. Amen.
Messaggio di S. Raffaele a Herald, del 2  ottobre 1993 alle 12:35 
"Herald, ti parla San Raffaele Arcangelo. Il Cielo ha versato una forte benedizione sopra al Mio Olio di guarigione. Moltiplica il Mio Olio! Gli uomini che lo usano lo devono applicare su qualunque malattia, ma prima devono pregare le orazioni che ti ho dettato. Chi lousa non lo deve commercializzare. Questo Olio ha la benedizione del Cielo. Apprezza molto  questo Olio e onoralo sempre"

I petali di rosa da usare sono quelli posti per 7 giorni davanti ad una immagine di Maria Rosa Mistica (non importa il colore).

Si pongono le rose per 7 giorni davanti alla Rosa Mistica, che li riempie di benedizioni, poi si prepara l'Olio secondo la ricetta, sfogliando 30 petali e prendendo una rosa intera.

Maia Rosa Mistica di Montichiari, Madre della Chiesa 

giovedì 25 settembre 2014


Io vi regalo, bambini, queste due preghiere che Mio Figlio Mi ha dato perchè ve le insegni e così voi possiate respingere gli attacchi mentali. Sono preghiere di esorcismo con il Sangue Prezioso di Mio Figlio: imparatele a memoria per potervi difendere quando siete attaccati dal Mio avversario e dai suoi agenti del male.


Per il Glorioso Sangue dell'Alleanza di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo, ti ordino, spirito di tentazione e di falsi pensieri, di lasciarmi libero e in pace. Fuori, fuori, fuori dalla mia mente e dai miei pensieri: te lo ordino nel Nome di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo, che ti ha vinto sulla Croce!

Sangue Potente di Liberazione, Guarigione e Redenzione versato da Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo, combatti il nemico della mia anima nel mio corpo, nella mia mente e nel mio spirito, allontana da me ogni freccia incendiaria e velenosa del maligno. Non lasciarmi cadere in tentazione, Sangue Glorioso del Redentore e liberami da ogni male. Amen.

Che la pace del Mio Signore resti sempre con voi. Vi ama vostra Madre, Maria Rosa Mistica.

Leggi tutto: messaggio completo

giovedì 11 settembre 2014


Durante una delle apparizioni della Beata Vergine Maria a "Mamma Rosa Quattrini" (ora deceduta), veggente di San Damiano, Italia, la Madonna ha benedetto un grappolo d'uva indicando che essa avrebbe sostenuto tutti coloro che avrebbero avuto fede nel valore nutrizionale di queste uve e se ne fossero nutriti durante i giorni dell'anticristo (il "marchio della bestia", guerre, fame, siccità, parassiti, disastri, calamità e malattie.)
Poi la Beata Vergine Maria ci indica come trasferire la benedizione dell'uva da un Uva benedetta a un nuovo grappolo di uva, così che altre persone ne possano trarre beneficio. Mentre l'uva è ancora attaccata al grappolo, si lava accuratamente con una soluzione di acqua e una goccia o due di sapone liquido, poi si risciacqua. Quindi si tagliano i chicchi del grappolo con un paio di forbici, cercando di lasciare un pezzetto di picciolo su ogni chicco.
Si prende un chicco di Uva benedetta, si stacca il picciolo e si strofina, dalla parte dove era attaccato, contro un nuovo chicco, facendo il segno della Croce, mentre si dice: "Nel nome del Padre e del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo. Amen"
Tenete pronto un vasetto di vetro pulito con il tappo che sigilla bene. Bisogna usare del brandy (semplice, non aromatizzato) per conservare l'uva.  Si riempie di uva il contenitore fino a 3/4 (tre quarti) del vaso, e si ricopre completamente l'uva con il brandy. (Se l'uva riempie i tre quarti del contenitore, il brandy deve riempirlo completamente (contenitore di 4/4))
Una volta fatto questo, si può dare agli altri un acino d'uva recentemente Benedetto perché così possano fare la stessa cosa e siano forniti con la quantità necessaria per ogni famiglia.
La benedizione si trasferisce da un'uva originale di San Damiano alla nuova uva. La Madonna ci dice anche che può essere utilizzato un frutto nativo nei paesi di missione se non ci fosse uva disponibile. Queste uve benedette non devono essere vendute.
Attraverso un'anima negli Stati Uniti le seguenti domande sono state fatte a Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo:
1. nel processo di preparazione dell'uva, bisogna che l'uva Benedetta tocchi ogni chicco di uva fresca? Risposta: Sì
2. perché l'uva sia completamente benedetta basta semplicemente seguire la procedura? Risposta: Sì, figli Miei, questo sarà sufficiente affinché le uve siano benedette
3. la benedizione viene immediatamente trasferita? Risposta : Sí
4 - si può dividere l'uva Benedetta in più parti per aiutare in questo modo più persone? "Risposta: Sì
5. l'uva Benedetta sarà efficace durante il tempo dell'Avvertimento, come pure durante la tribolazione, altre catastrofi e calamità? Risposta: Sì, e sarà un grande conforto per chi ha fatto sacrifici
6. se una persona decide di sacrificare il piacere di mangiare perché ci sia più cibo disponibile per gli altri, questa persona potrebbe nutrirsi con un'uva Benedetta per tutto il tempo che vuole? Risposta: Sì e inoltre riceverà più grazie per il sacrificio che sta facendo
7. si può dare l'uva benedetta a chi è malato e non può trattenere il cibo? Risposta: Sí
8. saranno protetti da piaghe e terribili malattie coloro che digiunano con l'uva benedetta ? Risposta: Sì e anche da molti altri disastri che possono comparire durante questo periodo.
9 si può utilizzare, per trasportare per posta dell'uva benedetta , dei contenitori di plastica con coperchi sigillati bene? Risposta: Sì (Nota: una volta ricevuto l'uva benedetta deve essere tolta dal contenitore di plastica e posta in un contenitore di vetro per conservarle a lungo termine, poiché il brandy evaporazione attraverso la plastica)
10. quando si dice sostentamento, vuol dire che la persona riceverà il nutrimento equivalente al cibo,  acqua, vitamine e minerali necessarie per la persona? Risposta: Sì.
11. se si beve acqua durante il digiuno, si rompe il digiuno? Risposta : No (Nota: se si prende l'acqua non si romperà il digiuno, ma se si prende del cibo si romperà il digiuno. Sarà necessario prendere un'altra uva benedetta o una parte di essa, se si vuole riprendere il digiuno più tardi)
12 quando si può iniziare a mangiare l'uva benedetta? Risposta: immediatamente, ma solo una volta o due volte a settimana, per ora.
Nota: Gesù ha indicato che si può digiunare con l'uva Beato, ma non più di una volta o due volte a settimana. Ma sarebbe saggio aspettare fino al giorno del Grande Avviso o fino a quando non ci sarà cibo disponibile prima di utilizzare l'uva benedetta.

Un'uva a persona, al giorno, per sei mesi o più. Circa 186 chicchi a persona. Un'uva (chicco) sostiene  una persona per tutta la giornata. Il motivo di preparare una provvista di sei mesi è perché durante il Regno dell'anticristo non ci sarà cibo disponibile per le persone: solo chi avrà un codice a barre tatuato o un microchip nascosto sotto la pelle potrà comprarsi da mangiare, e questo è assolutamente proibito da Dio Onnipotente.
Gli ultimi sei mesi saranno i più spaventosi e struggenti per veri cattolici che non seguono l'anticristo. Dovremo vivere in segreto, di nascosto e senza cibo. Cerchiamo di ricordare che è meglio morire di fame salvando l'anima e ottenendo la felicità eterna, che avere cibo momentaneamente e perdere la vita eterna. Pregate lo Spirito Santo che vi dia forza, pazienza, temperanza, fede, speranza e carità.
Si sottolinea chiaramente che l'uva Benedetta NON SOSTENTARA' qualsiasi persona che se ne burli o che non creda. Ci saranno persone per cui Gesù ha altri disegni, le quali non riusciranno a sostenersi con queste uve. Tuttavia, queste persone dovrebbero, con grande perseveranza, cercare attraverso preghiere e penitenze, di ottenere la grazia da Dio di utilizzare l'uva Benedetta. Si può provare più e più volte per ottenere risultati.
Sono venuti alla luce alcune profezie in cui si dice che ci saranno soldati che vanno a combattere sotto la bandiera di Gesù e Maria contro le forze dell'anticristo, guidate da San Michele.
Queste persone saranno piene di forze, ma non richiederanno cibo. Questo fatto stupirà altre persone che si uniranno a questi soldati, facendo crescere le piccole forze Mariane, che diventeranno un gigantesco esercito. Essi combatteranno per rovesciare le forze dell'anticristo.
La Madonna ha rivelato a molti santi e veggenti che questo esercito sarà alimentato dal Cielo. Forse l'uva benedetta è uno dei molti miracoli dei Tempi Ultimi a cui si riferivano i santi dei tempi passati nelle loro visioni.

Aggiornnamento: dall'agosto 2012 Gesù, nella Sua grande Misericordia, ha benedetto tutte le viti. Quindi si potrà preparare l'uva benedetta prendendo un acino di uva (qualsiasi) e procedendo a fare il segno della croce su ogni chicco prima di metterlo nel brandy.

Al posto dell'uva fresca si può usare anche l'uva passa (senza lavarla)

mercoledì 20 agosto 2014


Mamma Rosa Quattrini, veggente di San Damiano (PC)

Fratelli in Cristo, è una gioia per un servitore annunciare che oggi, 15 agosto 2012 alle ore 12.00, siamo stati testimoni della misericordia di Dio. Infatti Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo HA BENEDETTO TUTTI I VIGNETI E IL FRUTTO DELLA VITE, perche tutti quelli che vogliano preparare la conserva di uva e non hanno accesso a un' UVA DI SAN DAMIANO, basta soltanto avere crederlo, le uve che comprate già sono benedette come se si trattasse delle stesse UVE DI SAN DAMIÁNO.


Fonte, in spagnolo


giovedì 24 luglio 2014

MESSAGGI A M.J. EVEN - 2002 parte III - Avvertimento, Miracolo, Resurrezione, Giudizio

St. Joseph, October,1 2002

"Sweet Children, during the next weeks and months, around the Birth of Jesus Christ and the New Year, you shall hear of the real potential of war. It should not frighten you as you have heard Us say many times that there will be wars and talk of wars. These, however, will be real and lead the World into a World war. Then there shall come upon the scene a person who seems to have all the answers and knowledge to support what he knows. He will be welcomed by all as a great leader. He will proceed to counsel the United Nations, advise heads of Governments and show himself a major contributor to world peace. All this will occur after the New Year begins.
Later the Holy Father will flee the Vatican, a new pope is elected and he will accept this man, this leader and appoint him world leader. Together they shall rule the World and the Church. Of course I speak of the Anti-Pope and the Anti-Christ. They are the two-headed Beast spoken of in Scripture.
It will all appear so common, so usual, so informal and yet the outcome will spell disaster for both the World and the Church. No one will take real notice of all these events for at least a year and by this time it shall be too late.
I am reminding you of prophecy, My Dear Children. I am explaining to you again the effects of this diabolical association. Only those close to God will understand the impact of those days and the evilness of those days. Only those who remain good and Faithful Catholics will really understand the magnitude of the work of these two men.
After it is understood how grave is the situation, those who fight against them will be persecuted. Those who go with them will receive great rewards. Then the leadership of the World will change dramatically and the new leaders will be assigned by the Anti-Christ. All countries shall be affected. All countries' leadership will change except those who already have been marked for evil by the evilest of men, Lucifer personified.
During these days the Warning will occur as will the Miracle. There will be the microchip implanted and grave financial difficulties. This will be the time of bartering for goods and the difficulties and persecution of Catholics.
Then shall come the 3 days of darkness and the change in the World for the Reign of Peace. I say change because all the land mass of the earth shall be rearranged. Those who survive the great events shall be called to the Reign of Peace. All those who are murdered for their Faith in the persecution shall also be present as it says in the Scriptures.
The number who survive shall be much fewer than you think, yet all who pray to go will be allowed passage. Yet you need to remember your reparation for sin that needs to be cleansed before you enter. Thus some may need to suffer greatly in reparation for sin before that time. I can not stress enough your voluntary reparation today as opposed to an imposed reparation on you by the Eternal Father. Souls must be cleansed. All who enter must be so cleansed because once there, all Souls are ready for Heaven.
All this begins then when the Holy Father flees the Vatican, but before, a little before, the evil one carries out some deeds to offer to the world some proof of his existence. Since this will come after the first of next year 2003, I report it to you now in prudence. Watch for it. During the days of the war, pray very much for all people who live and die. Pray for governments' leaders. Pray for Catholics to remain with the True Pontiff, Pope John Paul II in exile. You will see him for he will be transported by bilocation to more than one place. He will look better, feel better, sound better for he will receive the gift of healing.
You must stay united with Pope John Paul II because he is the "line of Grace" from the Eternal Father in the Church. He is the true "line of Grace". The Anti-Pope is not of the "line of Grace". So when you pray for the intentions of the Holy Pontiff, you are to pray for those of Pope John Paul II. He will not be taken from you until near the Reign of Peace. Then another shall be appointed by Heaven for the Reign of Peace. All this I share with you again so you will be alert and prepared. So shall it be next year. We will keep you alert to the changes, the events. You can follow them all as We have told you over the years.
It is necessary that you recognize the Truth that will be needed in the days ahead. Do not fear, you are not alone, for as the days and times become more and more difficult, Our Blessed Lady, the Holy Mother of God shall send among you Her Twelve Apostles. These men shall encourage and support you. These men shall travel around to you and proclaim the Holy Word of God. They shall be light in darkness, Hope beside difficulties, sharers of the Holy Word of God. Our Holy Mother shall direct them. It is at this time that the Anti-Christ shall send his diabolical agents as Seers around the World also. His agents shall spit evil as good, appear as angels but be demons. Keep close watch, My Children, lest you be taken into their allure. It will be best to remain calm and quietly fulfill what your daily prayers require. It shall become clear to you who is good and who is evil by the fruits they bear. Good will bring healing, love, joy and peace. Evil will bring revenge, hatred, jealousy, and sensual pleasures. It will be clear, but you need to pray for discernment also.
Then you can welcome the Apostles to your homes, protect them, let them rest. They won't stay long, but you help as you can. This period of time will be relatively short, but very needed as by then so much persecution will have taken place, people will need a rejuvenation, a fresh outlook to their Faith and to the World. Much is yet to occur. Much will occur in the next few years. You need to be ready. We love you all. I congratulate My Daughter on the tenth anniversary of these messages. With your help they will continue to be sent next year every two months. - Joseph"
St. Joseph, November 1, 2002
"My Children, We have decided to instruct on very practical matters this year. One of the responsibilities I have is to place you in the proper Territory in the Reign of Peace. I wish to discuss how this shall be done. Though initially a difficult task, the actual placement will be easily accomplished. First you need to know that each of you has lineage that can be traced back to the Twelve Tribes of Israel. You may not know which and My Daughter, the Secretary, does not know which Tribe you are a part of, so do not ask her. Be that as it may be, all of you has a tribal line. Now each of the Twelve Territories shall take their names from the Twelve Tribes. The placement of all peoples shall be with their Tribe initially. Then the placement must be made for the family. All persons related to you in any way from any country shall be brought together as a family group. You may have family in many countries now. Wherever they live they will be assembled into your family group in a Territory for your Tribe. Tribes of Israel come through the Mother's Lineage, not the Father's. Assembling all people from all Tribes and placement of people with their family group is My work. I will also show you the land you will possess and houses which still stand, and you will sense the added needs your family will require. God is great. He can do all. Many who die before that time will be taught how to work in these new times. They are being trained to work there and will return. These new times will be marvelous to behold. It is a great gift of God to His Son and to us who can live with Him on earth. Do not be afraid or question or wonder what will happen to you. There will be wonders you never dreamed of and gifts of Grace bestowed upon all. The Era of Peace is simply that - Peace. Peace in heart, mind, body and Soul. Yes, we will have much to do, but gifts will appear and troubles will disappear and all will be made whole and healthy. We love you all, Dear Children. - Joseph"

St. Joseph, November 1, 2002
"My Sweet Children of the Light, and it is light We give you so you may understand that to which you have been called. Dear Children, do recognize the great Grace bestowed on a select group of persons who have responsibilities in the Latter days and the Reign of Peace.
While keeping with our emphasis on the practical this year, I wish to help you understand more fully the work you have been called to help with. Throughout the World there are many millions receiving these messages for cause. Yes, for a purpose and in training for your role in the future. We mentioned years ago that those called to the Apostolate and messages will be asked to help out. The question is, how and when?
Let Me remind you, first, that these messages have given you much knowledge of the Faith and there was also a booklet by the Blessed Mother in Her series, the fourth year, that She explained how to teach the faith, we have given you various knowledge of events to come, so you would not concern yourselves over your personal needs, but be more prepared to help others. Now also We have alerted you to the help you will give, or could give, to the Blessed Queen's Apostles of the Latter Days.
You know the events, you know what will happen. Think about all We have said, My Children. You know the future and its needs. Your time to work will be amidst and among all these events. Getting you ready has taken ten years of messages. Now you are ready.
One of the first times you will use this knowledge is during the great persecution in order to strengthen and encourage those of weaker Faith. At those times you can give testimony to the Truths of the Faith and strengthen others' resolve in the Faith.
The next time will be after the Great Warning when so many will be seeking to know the Faith. You can teach them. You can lead them to a good, holy, True Priest. Some may also want to be Baptized. If no Priest is available, you could Baptize them and teach them the Faith. You will then be helping the Priest who will be very busy.
As Priests are rounded up and put in prison, you can hide Priests and feed them, clothe them, give them a bed.
As the Apostles of Our Blessed Queen come forth, you can support them, help them teach others the Faith, testify to the future events which can give them hope.
As people need help during the time of the microchip, you can tell them the truth of it and offer some charity - clothes, food, help.
You can offer great assistance to others because you know what's coming and thus do not need to be concerned because you are prepared, I hope. You are referred to as Disciples of the Apostles. Ones who offer assistance, as you can, in the Faith and life's needs.
You must be strong, alert, helpful because you have been given the gift of knowledge of these days. All however will be directed by the Apostles. Disciples are helpers.
During the Miracle, you can help people find the places of the Miracle and help them to know what to say. "I declare for God in the Most Blessed Trinity." There will be confusion and many will ask others for help. You can give it.
At the time of the great three days of darkness, all will be quiet, but after that time the Reign of Peace begins.
You have a big job ahead of you then. So many need counsel in the Faith. So many will need to know how to pray. So many will enter without any clothes or necessities prepared as you do, I hope. To be helpful at that time to explain, encourage and help people to adjust. You know now what to expect. You can tell others not to fear. It shall be beautiful. Primitive in many ways, but beautiful. You can speak to them. Share your knowledge of that place and its purpose.
0 yes, My Dear Children, you have been given this gift of knowledge for a purpose, many purposes. You have been called to help all peoples through many events.
Now I have given you times of your work. You will be called to begin, but, of course, that is NOT yet the time. So we wait, read, learn and prepare. This is the time of preparation, not the beginning of this work. No, you will be called to begin by your directors, the Apostles. So We wait.
This time must be spent well, My Children. You have noticed We have advised you to prepare each month. It is so you are ready, are prepared, so you can help others as needed, when needed, and not have to worry about yourselves.
I tell you these things so you will remember all We have asked of you over the years. This year 2003 will be a year for many changes, and We find We need to keep you alert, remembering, all We have told you. We will speak again and again this year about many things We call practical. They are practical as they help you put your lives in perspective. They will help you remember, but they will also provide specifics for those newer to the messages. Do remember We have always said these lessons are sequential, each month and year building upon what was said previously. We started by explaining the Catholic Faith principles and Virtue before We discussed aspects of prophecy.
You do the same. You start by improving your Spiritual life before you get worked up over prophecy. If you do so, then the nature of prophecy will not get you upset. Prepare then, first Spiritually, then physically and then mentally. The practical aspect of these messages this year is to prepare you more mentally.
We love you all greatly and have been very pleased over the last ten years to observe the interest and support of these messages. We have tried to make you think, pray, meditate, but especially learn.
The Faith is such a great gift to you from God. It is such a Grace-filled gift. I do hope you realize that. As My Daughter travels, there are many she meets who are just now recognizing the great gift of their Faith. People have come late, at times, to the greatness to which they have been called.
It is Our great pleasure to speak so openly to you in Lessons of some length. We believe such lengthier Lessons allow for greater understanding and, hopefully, meditation. Practice what you have been taught, My Children.
The True Faith Principles shall be upheld by much fewer numbers than you may believe during the time of persecution. You are called to hold to the True Faith principles. You have been called. You have been chosen.
Now I bid you adieu for another month. - Joseph"
Jesus, November 1, 2002

"Sweet Children as the time gets more rushed, you will notice you can not accomplish as much each day. Perhaps you have noticed this already. It is a sign that these days are those prophesied. These are those days written of in the Book of Revelations. Study these, My Children. These days are filled with events as they were first described there. Can you see the relationship of the four horsemen and these days? Can you see that there are many parallels with the "signs" and "bowls" which are poured out by the Angels? You are already nearing the sixth "bowl". Look, My Children, read and discern. You will see that your World today matches those things described. Try to recognize these Scriptural Prophecies for what they are. They are today's events.
Then, after you have studied those events, look further and you will see prophecies of war, death, famine and then the Glorious Reign of Peace. After that you will read of the General Judgement. But first you will note the General Resurrection. It is the General Resurrection I wish to discuss in this lesson. I want you to meditate on these events. I want you to think about your family living and deceased. I want you to consider the ways in which All will be resurrected.
Let Me being. After the years of the Reign of Peace and when the last person has been released from Purgatory, I will ascend to My Eternal Father and speak to Him of all that has been accomplished during My thousand plus years of reigning as King upon this newly-formed earth. He will concur that what was planned to occur has been fulfilled. I will announce to Him that with all completed as He has asked that the next stage of mankind's events should now occur. After all of Heaven has been assembled, the horns and trumpets shall proclaim that it is time and I shall lead all of Heavenly Hosts to earth. The trumpets blast, the Heavenly Choir, the Assemblage of Angelic Hosts of Heaven shall be visible to all on earth foretelling the time of the great General Resurrection.
Now since billions of people have lived as Human Beings on earth since Adam was made, there needs to be some practical actions taken in the assembly of all, on earth, from Heaven and from Hell. Of course, only those still living will want food and water. All others do not eat, but may wish a taste after they are resurrected and may do so if they wish. But I do not think there will be many. Yet We are speaking of many. How shall the land hold them? Where will they be put?
During the Reign of Peace, much effort will go into preparation for these days. 0 yes, those who are living will host all peoples, so there will be preparations. Now since the event foreshadows the General Judgement and precedes it, and to move such numbers of people along efficiently, the General Judgement will begin almost immediately. The first group to be judged will be some of Heaven. The next group will be from Hell. I have already said that all from Purgatory will have been released to Heaven, so there will no longer be a Purgatory to empty. It will be empty of Souls.
The time it will take for all of Heaven and Hell to have their Individual General Judgement will be about 100 years. At the same time not all Souls have been resurrected with their bodies yet, but many. From all ages and all countries and no matter what kind of death or burial, all will eventually be resurrected with a whole mind, body and Soul. The reason for the delay in timing is obvious. Have you thought how many there have been born in 7000 years? Every single person must be resurrected and proceed to the General Judgement. Every single person with a Soul.
These times will be filled with awe and wonder at the Glory and Power of God. Everyone shall be filled with greater knowledge of the Wonder and Power of God. It shall be a Glorious time. Do not think that a hundred years in the Reign of Peace is equal to one hundred years of your time today. It is not. It will be much different yet the actual time is for you to imagine now and learn more later. The Heavenly Hosts of persons will be filled with great light and shine on the World. The contrast to this when those of Hell appear will be great as their ugliness deformity and evil appearance will cause great alarm. These from Hell will appear slowly and with great hesitation because they will be stung by the light and glory of those from Heaven.
After the first groups have been judged, there will be another trumpet blast to awaken many millions more from sleep. Just as quickly as they are resurrected, people will be brought before the Judgement Seat of God. The Judgments of the Glorious Saints will continue to be alternated with those of Hell until all from Heaven and all from Hell have been resurrected and judged. Then the last group to be judged in body and Soul are those living on earth. These persons have survived the great persecution. These persons had prepared their Souls to live during the great Reign of Jesus Christ as King with His Blessed Mother, Mary, as Queen. These persons had been promised much.
During this time of Judgement, all those of Hell will be forced to watch the Glory that could have been theirs. It will be the final punishment given by Jesus Christ to those of Hell. Great and Glorious are the rewards of those who have lived with their King and His Mother. The Judgements shall proceed and your God will be justified in His Judgements. Then, I shall say to those of Hell, "Begone to your Eternal dammation." All of Hell will flee to their place and St. Michael will close and chain the gate to Hell for all Eternity.
Then I shall say to all Heavenly Saints, "Let Us go to those Heavenly regions prepared for you by My Father from all Eternity." We shall move slowly with great Song and with Trumpets blasts to Heaven where each shall receive their home and place to live for eternity with God in the Most Blessed Trinity. The General Resurrection and General Judgement shall take a long time, but the greater time of Eternal Bliss. All these events and the practical as well as the mystical aspects of each have been planned for by God the Father and I for the Eternity. We await all to be accomplished.
Now since all will be either in Heaven or Hell, there is such an abyss, a great separation, between the two, there is no communication between them. In fact My Father shall send the place of Hell, the Earth, on a course, or route, that it shall not be thought of, heard from or seen for all eternity. For all Eternity!
So many have wondered how those cremated or found in parts due to severe trials, will appear at the General Resurrection. They all will appear whole and entire, even those whose limbs had been amputated. Everyone will appear whole again and all have clear and understandable memory, brains and intelligence. That is the way all must be to have the General Judgement. I can do all things. I know where the ashes are, the parts. I can bring all together and I shall do this at the General Resurrection. All people shall spend an eternity whole and entire.
Now, My Children, next month I wish to discuss the General Judgement for so few have the correct image in their minds of what that will entail. But I hope you have a better view now of the first step, that of the General Resurrection. It shall take many years to accomplish each of these events, in a very practical sense. It won't happen in a split second or a few days, but much longer. Shall you see your loved ones who have died? 0 yes, everyone will see all and hear the Judgement of them. Yes, all will be known because the General Judgement is the justification of God's decision for each person, therefore everyone can see and hear all.
Times such as these will be understood only in their day. Times like these must be experienced to be fully appreciated. Now, My Children, read this lesson and meditate upon the various truths foretold. You will notice their similarity to the Holy Dogma of the Roman Catholic Church. I tell you these things now so you may again see reason for your earnestness to live God's Commandments and seek always the Kingdom of God. I love you all dearly. - Jesus"

Our Lady, November 1, 2002

"Dear Children, I want to speak to you about the Reign of Peace. I want to examine for you again, as We spoke of it briefly years ago, the Church in the Reign of Peace and your role in it. It is important that this year We speak of many practical things. This is one.
As you may remember, there are twelve Territories in the land formed for the Reign of Peace. Each of the twelve Territories has a Bishop who will be one of the Apostles of the Latter Times which I appoint for this current time and era, but shall be appointed Bishop of a Territory in the Reign of Peace. The Twelve Bishops shall report directly to the newly appointed Pope of the Reign of Peace. There will be no other Hierarchy in those times as none will be needed. I direct the Pope who directs the Bishops and the Bishops direct the Priests.
There will be a great number of Communities of people in each Territory. Just think of a Territory as a state in order to get an idea of its relevance. There will be twelve. Each Territory will have many groupings of Communities into units forming cities. Within each city there will be a great number of Catholic Churches and each city will have a Seminary for Priests and a Monastery for the formation of nuns. All parishes will have Catholic Schools for youth and for adults as all will be asked to go to classes. In addition there will be vocational classes, language classes, agricultural classes and birthing classes. Each parish family will be quite devoted to its work and devotions.
Now all Masses will be the Latin Tridentine. Mass with Novenas, rosaries, Stations and devotional prayer groups. Everyone will learn the language of the Church - Latin. Prayers will be said in Latin as there will be people of many languages in each territory. Latin will be the Universal Church language. Everyone will learn it. In each home community there will be Houses of Prayer and various devotions recited such as the Rosary and other prayers and Litanies. Each person shall give time each day to prayer Mass Communion, Rosary and Church activities and classes. Work will be energetic and carried out very quickly due to everyone's health, safety, love of God and duty.
The Parish Priest will offer all the Sacraments as needed and act as Spiritual Adviser for many families. Since there will be many Priests in each Parish there will be many Masses offered each day as well as Confessions as needed. Ceremonies and Religious festivals, Novenas and Devotions shall be prolific. Honor will be given to duties of Faith and all will dress reverently and head coverings for women, a way of life again. Everyone will attend Mass and Holy Communion each day as well as have prayer groups at home. This will be a time of holiness, virtue and thorough practice of the True Faith.
Each of you will be called to participate fully in all Religious devotions and prayers. You may have a great farm or factory or business, but you will be called to Religious devotions as the focus of your life. Work will be accomplished easily. Since days will be longer, there will be extra time to accomplish much. You won't be tired or bored or difficult. You will feel very good and have a good attitude about your life. That is important to know since so many only see it as hard work since there will not be electricity.
It will take about forty years for everyone to become accustomed to their new life. This will go quickly as there is a change in time also as well as the length of day. This period of time will allow building, farming and the barter system to develop. 0 yes barter for goods will replace money and banking. Yes, later there may be a form of monetary exchange. No, it won't be like it is now on earth. It will be more like it was when Jesus, Joseph and I lived on earth, but you will have the great advantage of knowing how things work. Yes, you bring to this new era many skills and talents We did not know about.
When I said all will participate in Catholic Liturgy, you probably wondered if all were Catholic. The answer is yes, all will be or become Catholic. Yet many will need to be taught the Faith from the beginning for they have lost track of what the Faith Principles are or never heard them correctly. Do not fear, there will be an Order of Lay Persons who will help all to understand the Truths of the Faith at all ages-in schools, parishes, cities and families. This group of lay persons will help out in the Centers for the very elderly and assist those recovering from many diseases. Yes, it will take awhile to get organized but, of course, it is being organized now as I speak to you.
Years ago I asked many through these messages to obtain books for teaching the Faith. Many did so and gathered Rosaries also. I asked for those who could to purchase Priestly garments or at least retrieve them from second hand stores. Many also purchased used or new Priestly vessels for the Latter Days and the Reign of Peace. So We have many books and vestments and vessels ready, but if you wanted to help you could buy some also. I will collect these and distribute them in the Reign of Peace as needed.
You see there will be so much destroyed before this current era ends that those things stored away will be more valuable, then, in the Reign. Remember We need books in many languages to teach the Faith and run schools. See what you can do. If you have done so, put them away in a box for later. If you have not, perhaps you also could help store up these goods, books, church vestments and crucifixes and vessels. During the Latter days these things will have been forgotten, but I will remember them and retrieve them. Holy Homes will be protected with these things stored away. Remember that, Dear Children.
Now another thing you could do is store up baby clothes. Yes, since there will be many babies bom in the new Era We will need many baby clothes. Keep in mind, all Children's clothes will be needed. Try to store some of these also. Hand-me-down clothes will be used and reused often. The water will bring clothes to a good condition. Do not fear. Many already have thought to do this. You could do some storing also.
Now the Era of Peace shall restore the virtues and bring all peoples to a high degree of holiness. That is that period's gift as Jesus and I shall observe all for all and help in all ways. Of course St. Joseph shall instruct on building placement of families and location. Each of you shall be assigned a place to live with those of your lineage and from whatever country these may be from. All will have a place to be. St. Joseph has the master list to lead all to their place. You will need a large family group to carry out all expected of you.
Next I should mention that some will be called to lead and work also with those in the cities. It will take leadership to build buildings, establish tubes for water and dig wells as well as to take care of the businesses and services developing in each city. Each leader shall be chosen for cause and each shall lend the skills and knowledge known. Families shall take care of their farms, homes, families which shall begin to grow at an alarming rate. All will help each other. Charity begins at home and shall be a virtue sustained by need and conditions.
Do not look on yourself with eyes of today's world. Rather look at yourself healthy, though 500 years old or more, and able and ready to work. Remember Noah built the Ark when he was 960 years old. You must not think age, but to live as long as God needs you to live. Yes, there are some who will die and pass on to Heaven. These will die for mental health - perhaps a husband or wife did not come to the Reign -or if they truly desire to die, Jesus will provide. These will be resurrected with the others at the end of the Reign and before the General Judgement.
It may seem so far off thinking of these times, but this year We want you to know clearly your future. We shall speak of many practical things all year. For example, have you thought about how those in the Reign of Peace shall pray all the people out of Purgatory by the end of the time? Or have you wondered how so many babies will be bom and cared for that they will replace all those who have gone to Hell? We can discuss these things and more during the year. Sweet Children, I look forward to this great time ahead and hope you do also. I shall see you and you shall see Me. - Mary"

St. Joseph, December 1, 2002

"Dear Children of the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart I greet you and wish to offer you a lesson as you begin this new year. The lesson is in keeping with the more practical aspects of your life with the desire to put events and happenings into better perspective for you. It is time, I think, to discuss more clearly with you some aspects of the persecution to come and what you will need to do to withstand various aspects of it, but not all as some of you are called to become more involved, that is to to imprisoned or killed. 0 yes, there will be some of you called to die for the Faith at that time. Oh to be a Martyr! Such a glorious end. All those martyred during these forthcoming days shall join us in the Reign of Peace. Scripture clearly states this in the Book of Revelation (Chapter 20). The circumstances leading up to this and the atmosphere of those days I wish to discuss with you.
First, let us talk about the times in which the Anti-Pope will lead the Church and with him the Anti-Christ to lead the world and all countries. It will not be easy, My Children, to find a True Faith Priest or Bishop. You may find yourselves without the opportunity to go to Mass and Confession for some days. Surrounding you and harassing you will be the Modernists who will chide you for keeping to the "old" ways. Some are your friends. But you must hold firm to the Faith and understand what you are fighting for - for God's Ways. These conditions may cause you to become discreetly quiet and prayerful at home. To remain discreet and quiet at this time is the best way to act. You have no other recourse. To whom would you complain? Where would you go? There will be a great support for the "new" Catholic ways among non-Catholics, and Modernists will fill the Churches. Part of this is due to the new edicts from Rome about Mass on Sundays and willingness of Modernists to support other faiths.
This period of time shall see many Catholics lose their Faith or change their position on True Faith practices. You remain quiet and seek out somewhere the True Faith Catholic Priests who refuse to follow the ways of the Modernists. You may need to travel some distances, but Grace will be given you to do so.
This time is a form of persecution within the Church. Do not think your words of correction will matter, as so many will question you for "not following the Pope". But you know the Anti-Pope is not of the Line of Grace. Pope John Paul II will be alive for you to continue to follow him.
Such desecration of Holy Dogma, Liturgy and Commandments will lead you very clearly and thoroughly to understand that these are the days foretold. We have formerly explained what the Anti-Pope will do and how. Reread those sections for clarity. It is sufficient here to state all will be changed for the worst and not follow God's plan.
This period of time will also see the changes in social trends. There will be wars, financial woes and great effects of the influences of the Anti-Christ. He shall begin to instruct all on the use of the microchip and his sign. You know this is the tool of Lucifer to obtain people's Souls. You can not receive it knowing as you do what it is. Therefore there shall be great consternation and confusion among people. Some will automatically accept it knowing what it is, but feeling they need to have money and food. Some will wonder, but accept it for their family. Oh NO, God will not accept this reason. That is why you have prepared food, water, clothes for these days. That is why you have kept items to "barter" with in the Black Market and there shall be many such markets.
Bartering for goods requires you present something of value to exchange for goods, such as shoes, a dress or food. What do you use? You could use a necklace, a pin, coffee pot, dishes, etc. Whatever has value to exchange for goods you need. So there are ways to obtain what you need. We have spoken of this before.
So the whole worldly situation will be very confusing and you will be trying to survive, but you will. You will need to use some discretion, quietude, cleverness. You will need to refrain yourselves and family from talking about what you do and how. You need to be clever and earnest in this persecution also.
Along this same time, you will hear of people being rounded up for prison and death camps. Initially these will be Religious leaders, Priests, but also it will be Christians and Catholics. These persons will be taken to high risk prisons, to death prisons, or placed in retention prison. If you can remain quiet and reserved in your Church and security activities, "they" may not find you. This period needs extra care and thought. You will need to educate the children carefully. Your lives will be at stake.
When the microchip is fully working, there will be surveillance by helicopters over homes to rout out the non-conformists and then these also will go to prison or be killed. This period of time shall be short, but thorough. It shall be a time of persecution. It will be a "cleansing" of those undesirables. That is you.
Not all will be caught because there will be those who are creative, those who house Priests, and those who help others. Not all will face the guillotine. But to survive, you need to be prepared. To survive you need to mentally plan what you will do. To survive, you need a plan. This is what We have asked of you.
Now I haven't discussed other events because those will affect all peoples. I wanted to speak plainly what you as True Catholics of Faith will receive in forms of persecution.
Now when the Miracle comes, you need to get to it to pro-claim "for God in the Most Blessed Trinity." That means leaving your home, that means having to survive the gauntlet of non-believers. That will require great care and ingenuity. Today you can practice the words. Then, it will be hard to do so.
My Children, you can not look at your World today and think you can just hop in the car and go. Oh no! There may not be roads still standing. There may not be enough or available gas to drive there. That is why We have suggested horses and carts, or bicycles, or other ways of travel. Once there, how can you get home?
It is through the Grace from Our Holy Queen that the Miracle will appear in many places after it starts at the Pines in Garabandal, Spain. You have one week to go to it and proclaim for God. This task is very important due to the eagerness of so many to proclaim for Lucifer, the Anti-Christ. 0 he will be very popular then. All around you there will be those who try to disrupt these visits. Remember, My Children, this is after the Warning, and at and after the Warning, the veil shall be lifted. You will see the demons for real. These will be joined by many devotees of Lucifer and Hell. You must plan ahead and pray well to your Angels and Saints to guide you through safely.
After the Miracle there will be many conflicts in the World and the Church. In that short period of time before the three days of darkness, much upheaval will occur in the World.
If you haven't considered why We have asked you to stay in the State of Sanctifying Grace before, please do now. Where will you find a True Priest to hear your Confession? Where will you go ? How can you leave your home? Store food, water, Blessed Grapes now. NOW.
Since the three days of darkness is all-out nuclear war. You won't want to go anywhere. You stay at home and pray. Pray, Pray, Pray it shall end quickly and it shall in three days. Then the World will be transformed into the Reign of Peace. The birds will be heard again and the quiet will be profound. You will come out of your homes to find a new place to exist in. The beauty, peace, quiet will fill you with Hope, Love, Charity, magnanimous feeling of Thanksgiving to God for the wonders He has done.
Now your days of persecution have ended. You have survived the paths of evil. You are being escorted to a new place, but your holy home will also be transported to the Territory in which you will live as well as all your land and goods. No cars will survive. Not needed now. No phones, computers, electric facilities. No stores or goods except in your homes. What a great hope to which you have been called. After all these times of difficulty, you have been brought by God to a place of peace. This is a great gift for you.
Now, Dear Children, We have tried and tried over ten years to awaken you to these happenings, to prepare you. We have done this out of love and hope that you will respond to God's Will for you. It is a great hope and promise for you to be called.
There is now again much for you to consider, much for you to plan for. Again I say meditate upon these messages and think about what you will do, what needs to be done. You all can do this. It is possible or you wouldn't be asked to do it. No Cross is too heavy to carry. That is God's promise.We promise you Our help and guidance. Pray for guidance. Ask the Angels and Saints to help you. - Joseph"

NB Quello che si dice riguardo a Giovanni Paolo II, consideratelo detto per Benedetto XVI. Perché il Cielo ha posticipato le date? Per misericordia, perché più gente fosse pronta. Voi sareste stati pronti nel 2003? Io no. A dire il vero, ero presa da tutt'altre cose in quell'anno, e non ero in Grazia di Dio.
Grazie, Signore.

Jesus, December 1, 2002

"My Sweet Children, last month I spoke of the General Resurrection. This month I wish to discuss the second major event of that time which is the General Judgement.
Initially the first group to engage in the General Judgement shall be some persons from Heaven. These persons shall alternate with some persons from Hell. From one group to the other until after many years they have all been judged. Then those who are living still in the Reign of Peace shall be judged. Then Hell will be closed and chained with all of Hell therein permanently. The assembly of persons who remain I will personally escort to Heaven and present them to My Father. Heaven will be aglow with the fires of love of Souls and by Souls for the promise of a Heavenly reward shall last for eternity.
Though I wish to discuss the General Judgement, I wish also to give you a taste of your Heavenly rewards. These thoughts also I wish you to ponder and consider. There is much to which you are called if your earthly life deems you to be called. I say this because Heaven is something to work for. It is not an automatic reward. You must earn it. That is why these and other messages of Heaven have exhorted you to work harder at prayer, sacrifice, penance and obedience to the Will of God.
Now let us Consider the General Judgement. It is open for all to see and hear for in it God's Judgement for each person will be justified and therefore made known to those who wish to hear it. Not all though will hear or see all, as persons will be resurrected in groups of several million at a time. But some will hear and see, and in that God will be justified. Witnesses will bear knowledge of the Truth of the Judgement. While awaiting Judgement, people will live upon earth and those living then will host them. This will apply to those of Heaven only, for those of Hell will prefer to wait in Hell's regions as they are so dark, ugly and filled with great hatred and jealousy.
Now the Judgements shall begin quickly upon the first groups being resurrected. I and My Holy Queen shall sit on Our thrones in the New Jerusalem palace. There shall be many Angels in attendance who shall lead and instruct everyone where to go and when. Angels will group people, arrange for necessities, and St. Michael shall escort each person forward for the Judgement. This also includes those persons from Hell.
The question has been put to Me if Angels will also be judged at this time. The answer is no, only human beings. Remember the Angels were judged long ago. It was at the time of Lucifer's fall from Grace and with him other angels. It was at that time also that St. Michael was judged to be the Leader of the Angelic Hosts of Heaven due to the manner He defended God as God. "Who is like unto God?, was His battle cry.
Therefore all those judged from Heaven or Hell will be persons of all ages who have died naturally. Aborted and stillborn babies of all time will not be judged; nor will they leave Heaven. The Heavenly Angels will assist with this event while those in Hell shall not.
Thus it is that each person shall be led forward to the throne of Jesus Christ, King and Blessed Mary, Queen. The Judgement shall be read by one of the Apostles of old as they will, after having been judged themselves, assist in this event.
I have not said, but you may have surmised, that the first shall be first and proceed through time ending with those living at this time. The eldest of history shall be judged first, that is Adam and Eve. Then their sons, wives, children, down through history.
When the Apostles read the judgement of God, there shall be a brief review of one's life by each person. As Scripture states,"nothing shall be hidden." "All made known." I, Judge, shall repeat the Judgement, to which all will say, "Amen."
Sweet Children, there will be no need to explain yourself nor will words alter the Judgement, but all will be given a short interval to testify. Remember all are either already in Heaven or Hell, or living on earth and these have been promised Heaven.
There have been some who have stated that the Judgement for Hell could be overturned. This is not true. If a person was deemed condemned to Hell at their particular judgement, that judgement stands. There is no extra mercy. A person never gets out of Hell. The General Judgement is to justify the judgements of God, not change them.
What do you state when called before the throne? It will be an internal awakening to one's life. You may state you were married, had children or single, consecrated, but what you really should speak of is how you loved God and kept His Words, works and commands holy. How you tried to pray each day and that you gave all to God for His Glory.
Dear Children, the words will come. The sounds heard by all present. There shall be great rejoicing by those bound to Heaven. There shall be great sadness and despair from those in Hell for they will see what they are missing and what they could have done to get to Heaven themselves. In some cases, only a little more.
Now then I will say to those of Heaven, "Come stand by Me. We shall see the Glory of Heaven together." To those in Hell, I will say, "Depart from Me for all eternity."
Now after so many millions are already judged and others are being resurrected to be judged, where will they stand? Where will they go? Well, My Children, let's be practical. After several million have been judged, one can't have them standing about. No, the Angels shall help transport groups to and from Heaven, as well as to and from Hell, as if in a holding pattern. Those of Heaven will go back up for some years and wait. Similarly those of Hell will return there, not to wait, but to return there forever.
We are speaking of millions of people and hundreds of years. Some will go quickly as they are young. Some Saints of the Church shall be given more time. Some in Hell will quickly return where as greater sinners are shown for what they were. Of course, one of the early persons from Hell to be judged will be Judas Iscariot, but not the first. He however was the first Catholic sent there. His fate shall become known.
It is so easy, My Children, to say that all this will happen many years from now. Indeed it will, but each of you shall experience it whether in Heaven, Hell or living in the Reign of Peace. I hope by now you have read about it in the Dogma of the Roman Catholic Faith. I hope you understand this is not fiction, but real, and something you as Catholics must believe will occur. If you do not wish to believe it will occur as reported here, then you are questioning the messages, but you must believe there will be a General Resurrection and a General Judgement. That is the Faith.
After all have been judged and God has been justified in His Judgements, the entire retinue that were sent to Heaven for a place to be shall be called forth so that a mighty procession may withdraw from the earth to the Heavens. All from Hell will remain as Hell is located in the center of the planet Earth. They shall be given it in its entirety. It shall be placed so far from Heaven that no thought or message or angel or man will cover the distance ever for all eternity.
Those in Heaven shall enjoy the vision of God and the Heavenly rewards. All of the knowledge of God's wisdom will be opened for all to study and learn. God's people shall rejoice in Him for all eternity.
In addition to the learning, prayer, choirs,there shall be great events and God will show you all that has been hidden from eternity. You will be God's people and He will live among you. I will say also as persons of mind, body and Soul, you will be nourished, but that will have to wait for you to know.
It is a Glorious experience to be part of Heaven. There is much to do and no one could ever be too tired or bored. It is an adventure of the most adventurous proportions.
Now I say to you again as you enter the New Year, try very hard to pray, sacrifice, do penance, be obedient to all God asks of you. Try to prepare yourselves for the Reign of Peace and all that it will bring, ending with the General Judgement. You really don't want to go to Hell, I am sure. You want a glorious future in Heaven, but it must be earned.
The earning of Heaven could be your New Year's resolution. Try, My Children, to see your future in Heaven. Try to make your Souls white, pure and wholesome again. Do acts of Reparation and beg God to forgive you all your sinful deeds. Go to Confession often. Seek the Grace from the Sacraments. Live your life with a full heart of and love of God. Be honest with God and yourself. Do not feel you are better than others. Do not believe you are immune to temptations or are above them. Live in Virtue. Seek Grace in your life each day.
Now I come to the end of this lesson. I am pleased to offer it to you and hope you ponder its meaning and your place in the World and your place for Eternity. It is an awesome responsibility you have to protect your Soul. No one can do it, but you. You are the sole responsibility for your Soul. Parents, please teach your children. Help them to know how great a reward, a gift, to which they have been called.
I leave you now. I love you all. - Jesus"

Our Lady, December 1, 2002

"Sweet Children of My Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, I wish to speak to you of practical things this year so you may meditate upon them and so you have reason for courage and fortitude. The days of persecution may seem endless and you will need such knowledge to encourage you and give you hope. I am the Mother of Hope. Turn to Me, Dear Children, for greater hope.
With this in mind I wish to speak of your days in the Reign of Peace with the Holy presence of the Angels and Saints who accompany Our God, Jesus Christ and I on earth then. But more clearly I wish to discuss the beautiful New Jerusalem palace which I have decorated to come upon earth from Heaven in those days.
The New Jerusalem is really a large city of homes, parks, gardens and the main Palace which is the place of the throne room. The three thrones for Jesus, Mary and Joseph have been carved from great diamonds and glisten with their many facets. So great are these that many Angels shall attend them and their placement. The throne room itself has been curtained in gold leaf and has living roses of various colors growing throughout. It is a large room, very large as it must contain great numbers of chairs on either side for the Apostles, Doctors of the Church and Patriarchs of old, who sit in attendance at the General Audiences.
The General Audiences shall occur once a month to host one of the Twelve Tribes who come to pay their yearly call. The yearly call for Audience with the King and Queen will be the only time the peoples in the Reign of Peace shall come within the walls of the New Jerusalem. At the end of the day, all shall be escorted out. Since your time shall be short to visit, I wish to describe what it is like within.
The path through a gate will be guarded by Sentinel Angels. The path shall lead you through magnificent gardens with ponds, with animals, and various kinds of shrubs, trees, flowers, all assembled in various designs by color and form. Then you shall observe the homes of various sizes and styles. It shall amaze you to see that most all homes consist of living vegetation. Homes of Roses or Lilies, or Pansies, and other flowers, as well as buildings made of gem stones. Some homes have foundations as well on what appear to be Pearls.
Now I want you to know even more. There shall be many I shall direct during those days. It will be My Role to return the Church and Faith to its former glory and make it even stronger and viable. This can not be accomplished miraculously, but must be achieved in the hearts and minds of the people.
Remember, My Children, you will be coming from a modern world, a world of war and disease. You will grow into the strength required to bring about a greater more perfect Faith and Church.
During these years there will be building, organizing, planning, praying, and each person will be given great tasks in their family units and the Church to accomplish. You may be the organizer of Church festival, or teach in the School, or take care of the Elderly or help with the Children or more jobs that need doing. It shall be a very busy time.
Since the twelve Territories of land have been placed in a star form, the middle land of these Territories shall be the place I shall position the New Jerusalem. Surrounding the New Jerusalem shall be the Special Communities of people who serve those in the New Jerusalem and Palace. The primary home of the new Pope and his Community shall be found there. Also the home and Center of Religious Life and Orders shall be placed there. All around the New Jerusalem shall serve those in the New Jerusalem.
Each of you shall be at home in your family units in the cities of each of the Territories. Even though people serve the Palace, they will have a family unit somewhere. In addition the main homes of the Kings and Queens, Princesses and Baronesses shall be found around the New Jerusalem. All these peoples shall have work to do. Appropriate facilities shall be made available for their work there and in the Territories.
It shall take many years to prepare all so all can live comfortably, yet it will be helped along by St. Joseph who directs the building, placement of people and other necessities. The Angels will support all and they shall be visible to all.
Remember this is the time when the veil has been lifted and all will see all Heavenly Personages.
What a great and Glorious Reign it shall be. Sickness will subside quickly. Sin shall be eradicated after the thoughts and attempts of the evil ones have been stopped. People will go to Confession as needed. Only to decrease their memories and gain the Grace to live in greater virtue. 0 yes, the memories of days passed will need to be cleansed. But those memories will be replaced by the peace, love and unity of these new days.
Sweet Children, I do hope you pray to go into the Reign of Peace. We need you there. There is so much to do. However there will be many ways for you to act, to share. Have you thought of the skills you will use? Have you decided on what gifts you will offer? Remember I asked you to think about the gifts you can offer long ago. You need to think about your skills God gave you and decide what you wish to do. Make shoes? Sew? Farm? Raise animals? Build buildings? Transport water? Cook? What skills do you have, Dear Children? Can you sing, play music, teach? You decide, just make sure it does not need electricity for none shall be produced.
Now remember We have advised you to obtain and store clothes, shoes, other goods you will need until the time these can be made available. There will not be stores or malls or places to buy anything until someone creates it. We all begin over rebuilding a world of products. You prepare yourselves now by obtaining and storing items for that time. A list was circulated at one time, but I will give you a hint here.
Just think, My Children, these days will have four seasons. The seasons won't be extreme but there will be hotter days and cooler days. Prepare yourselves. Also prepare to share as many will be surprised to be called to the Reign of Peace and not be prepared. These will need a good education regarding these days by you who have been told. You will teach them there, but not before, for, you do not know who will be called. You are receiving this information so you can be prepared and thus able to help others when the time comes.
Remember what We taught you about food? Immediately there shall be fruits on the trees. There will be at least four crops a month. People will eat and drink of the healthy food and grow and maintain good health. Within a short time all who are ill of mind, body and Soul shall be healed. There is no need to worry about enough medicine to have with you then. However all doctors and nurses will be needed.
I have asked many doctors and nurses to study herbal medicines, natural birthing methods and ways to correct various injuries naturally. Why? Because Children will still skin their knees, bones still will break, and great great numbers of babies will be born. Remember We must replace all Souls lost to Hell with new babies so all of Heaven's houses are filled. 0 yes, people will get sick and help will be given by those so skilled. However there will not be need for special medical equipment for diagnosis and treatment. Great wisdom will be given care-givers and special gifts of healing as needed.
0 what a Glorious time of Faith, of Love, of Unity, this time will be. It is given by God as a gift to His Son Who is the King. Great and Glorious are the works of Our God and We shall all Glory in His gifts.
We love you all. Pray to go to the Reign of Peace. - Mary"

E' stato promeso un grande segno a Garabandal, il più grande sulla terra, poiché là non è stata riconosciuta la SS. Vergine. Esso verrà comunicato al mondo da Conchita (una della veggenti)  una settimana prima. La Madonna ha detto che avverrà tra il 7 e il 17, non compresi, da marzo a maggio, un giovedì alle 20:30, in cui ricorre la festa di un martire dell'Eucarestia. Nello stesso giorno avverrà nella Chiesa un grande avvenimento per cui si griderà: "Miracolo, Miracolo, Miracolo". Del Miracolo la Madonna ha parlato soltanto a Conchita, del quale ha scritto quanto segue:
"Ciò che riguarda il miracolo, la Vergine l'ha detto a me sola. Mi ha proibito di dire in che cosa consisterà e potrò dirne la data soltanto otto giorni prima. Ciò che posso dire è che coinciderà con un avvenimento della Chiesa e con la festività di un santo martire dell'Eucaristia; che avverrà alle 20,30 di un giovedì; che sarà visibile a tutte le persone che saranno nel villaggio o sulle vicine montagne; gli infermi che vi assisteranno saranno guariti e gli increduli crederanno. Sarà il miracolo più grande che Gesù avrà fatto per il mondo. Non sussisterà il minimo dubbio che viene da Dio e che è per il bene dell'umanità. Rimarrà un segno del Miracolo ai Pini per sempre. Potrà essere filmato e ripreso in televisione
 Oltre che a Garabandal, in altri luoghi di apparizione la Madonna ha detto che lascerà un segno.

08-07-2004 Prima apparizione di Maria Santissima a Celeste (Madonna della Notte) - S. Bonico frazione di Piacenza - via Nuvolone (non lontano da San Damiano)
“Tutti i Giovedì Io verrò, trova un posto grande, nel verde, vicino a casa dove ci può stare tantissima gente perché è arrivato il momento che la gente deve capire che sono il Signore e la Madonna a comandare il mondo. Non mancare mai un Giovedì. Io ci sarò sempre e, col tempo, darò un segno perché tutti ti credano. Ti raccomando che sia grosso, col tempo verrà tanta gente.”

21 maggio 2012 (...) Un grande digiuno verra’ annunciato, 7 giorni e poi ci sara’ il segno.

20 ottobre 2012 “Figlioli, eccoMi, sono qua, sono qua come voi mi state aspettando. Ogni volta, Io scendo sempre in mezzo a voi per portarvi la pace e la gioia. Vi chiedo preghiere figlioli, pregate per i preti e i vescovi. Vi raccomando pregate tanto, il tempo si sta avvicinando. Come ho annunciato, il segno che ho detto che Io darò, verrà dalle otto a mezzanotte un giovedì sera, davanti a tutto il mondo. Pregate figlioli, pregate. Non abbiate paura, pregate per la chiesa, i preti e i vescovi, vi raccomando, che loro possano accogliervi e far pregare tutti coloro che non riescono a pregare.
Vi benedico tutti nel nome del Padre, del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo. Amen.”

14 novembre 2013 (...) il Signore è la tua guida, un giorno tutti capiranno perché sono qua, un segno grandissimo verrà dal cielo come ti ho promesso, tutti capiranno cosa significa la Mia presenza, è il Signore che lo vuole. Ti prego, dì a tutti di amare e di perdonare tutti e di credere sempre di più nel Signore, solo così potranno vivere.