Jesus, August 1, 2002
"My Dear Children, you do not need to be confused over what you remember and what you do not understand concerning the events to come. Just reread the messages. I have told you directly and indirectly of all events. It is just that some have created their own scenarios of what they think will occur and what they think does not always match what has been stated. It is there in print for you to digest, for as I have stated it, it will occur. Be then assured that, what you read is the proper way to consider it. These days so many want to speak of what they know to others, some of whom do not understand or believe. Why do you do that? I have asked you to pray for others and let God in His time help others to believe. They will, you know. But leave it to God to help them when He thinks their Faith can understand truth from fiction. I will speak of this a little later in My lesson. - Jesus"
Jesus, August 1, 2002
"You see, My dear Children, there is a time for each person to actually take to heart that which you have been given. You are so eager to share My and My Mother's Holy Words. We, with St. Joseph, try very hard to advise you, the ones who believe, because you believe and because you are chosen to believe. This is the reason you receive the messages. You have a very important role to play, work to do in the future. It is to explain to many what is taking place and why. But that job will not come to you for some time and I will announce it when you are to do so. For now then. My Children, be at peace and speak only to those who also receive the messages about them if you must. It is hard for you to understand, perhaps, but each person will be called to understand and believe, but not all at the same time. Let God decide when and where and how. Let Him make Himself known to others as He wishes. My Children, this could include both family members and your friends and acquaintances. I hope you now understand. - Jesus"
Jesus, August 1, 2002
"My Children, as We complete these messages for September, We are nearing the end of the tenth year of these messages for this Apostolate. Yearbooks of all the years are available. Now I want to begin now to alert you to the manner in which the monthly messages will be mailed during the eleventh year of these messages. They will be mailed two months at a time. This only costs a little, I assure you. Yet be assured you will receive information you need, all the information you will need, to prepare and plan for events in a timely fashion, as I understand you rely on these messages to be ready. I am and shall be with you. - Jesus"
Jesus, August 1, 2002
"My Sweet Children, daily I ask you to pray for the Church, the Holy Pontiff, for Bishops, Priests and laity. I especially ask you to pray for the laity who have lost, or never really known, the True nature of the Holy Catholic Faith. So many want great change to occur in the Church, just as Protestants appear to change or alter their Faiths and Religions. So many want an easy way to practice their Faith. It is sad to see this trend made popular by the Modernists. My Children, this Religion of yours must stand forever according to the processes and means given it by God the Father.
So many view the Catholic Church as "old fashion" because they do not see any change in it. But that is the priority element of the Holy Roman Catholic Faith. It does not alter its beliefs and structural processes. It has a Line of Grace through all the Popes from all time of the Church from St. Peter. It does not deviate in its beliefs.Time was needed to assemble those conditions under which it will function. Once in place, guided by the Holy Spirit of God in the Most Blessed Trinity, it stands as a perpetual guide for Faith in God. It does not change, nor can it. All the Dogmas and Faith Principles shall stand. No modernism can truly change what God has designed. That is the true basis of the Faith.
Knowing this gives it strength. Carrying this out is the work of the Bishops and Priests. Too often and indeed in many places now, there has been a rush to see what can be altered. That is sad for those who do this or put pressure on others to do this are really creating their own faith and religion. With so many changes, the True Faith has been so altered that another faith and religion has emerged. This new modernist faith decreases the basic premises of the Liturgy, of the Sacraments, of Priestly nature, and in so doing creates a schism of beliefs. Many people attend Holy Mass and do not recognize it as the same Holy Mass that they wish to attend for the Modernists have created "new ways" of acting, of speaking, and in so doing have replaced the Holy Presence of God with the holy presence of people.
In these places there is rarely the presence of a tabernacle or images of Heavenly personages. It is a whole new religion they practice based on humanistic principles forsaking the need for Confession of sin or talk of sin. In these places all people go to Heaven and the thought of Hell or Purgatory is not heard, nor even remembered.
My Children, it is so sad for Me to see Catholics put into the position of attending or participating in these false ways, and to be so naive to believe that the Holy Catholic Church could or would allow such practices. It is so sad that Priests of today, who are just ordained in the last decade, believe what they are doing is correct and Dogmatically true. This new generation of Priests have been schooled in the Modernists' views. In fact they have been encouraged to do all they can to make people alter their views of the way Catholics are to believe. It is only those who know what the True Faith stands for, who know the True Faith, who can describe the errors. That is why for years I have asked you to learn what the True Faith is all about. I have asked you to prepare yourselves for these times. I have explained often the great need for you to read the Dogmas and Catechism, to understand the Liturgy and the Sacraments. I have encouraged you to be prepared.
With this message, I am advising you that even greater changes can be expected. It is a time of toil, of woe, for you because the dear Faith, Church and Liturgy that you desire and believe in is now suffering greatly in the hands of the Modernists.
Older Priests try but fail to help because these younger Priests have been thoroughly coached in the new ways, and how to thwart all attempts to "revert" back to the old ways. In some cases there has been great pressure put on older Priests to accept the new ways with the threat of withholding retirement benefits or sick leaves or payments for health and housing. It is very sad. So many ask Me for help and I do, but the Modernists have a firm hold in so many Dioceses now that it is difficult to know what to do, where to help.
The reason for these changes goes back to the Oath against change, against Modernism, taken away after Vatican II. That Oath was made by all Priests before Ordination. It enabled the Church and Faith to persevere in Its beliefs. After the Oath was set aside, change could enter in, and it has. Even now Pope Pius X's writings on Modernism apply. Even now the early Twentieth Century Encyclical of this Pope is relevant, for what he thought would happen, is occurring.
Try, My Children, to understand that Heaven looks upon these conditions with horror, for what God designed is good and should not be dismissed nor altered. All of Heaven looks with fear to the hand of the Eternal Father, who persists in patience and waits and waits. But soon that hand of His will drop and the World of yours will feel its vibrations.
The World has set its course towards, and with the evil one, and his designs. The Modernists in the Church have set their plans to coincide with the World bringing the Church to side with the designs of the evil one in the World. That is the structure of things today. Each side rushing to close the gap between the World and the Church. Once this occurs, there will be great persecution of Catholics trying to hold to the True Faith. True Faith Catholics will be at a loss to find a True Priest, a True Holy Mass, or the Sacraments. I am now forewarning you that these times are at your door. For many they have already taken place.My Children, it is wrong and without merit, it is invalid for a loaf of bread to be used for a sacrificial offering. No valid consecration can take place. I really do not care who says it is alright. I speak here of those in the places of honor in the Church. It is invalid. No consecration can occur. The Mass is invalid. Do not let any Church authority persuade you this is the "new" way. No, it is not. There is error.
Modernism has taken its toll. The evil one has found a loophole to destroy the Church from within. The smoke of Satan has entered the Church. In fact in some places, the smoke has become solid substance. It is sad for Me to report this to you, but you must become more aware that you can no longer float as a Catholic toward Heaven. Now you must learn what the True Catholic Faith is and practice the True Faith to get to Heaven. I love you all. Now learn your Faith. - Jesus"
Our Lady, August 1, 2002
"Dear Children, as Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, has counseled you in the ways of the True Faith, I wish to speak about the practices of the Faith leading to Heaven. I do this also to counteract the Modernists' views and to encourage each one of you to prepare yourselves for the times ahead when you lack True Priests and the True Sacraments. You will be on your own. You will be afloat in the mire of Modernism. Sweet Children, these times and the times ahead are those which will need your full attention to details. You will need to find a traditional Priest for Confession. Go as often as you can. Go to Holy Mass and Communion. Say your prayers and especially pray for your Soul at least one day a week. Pray for others also. Do not forget to pray for the Poor Souls in Purgatory. Remember no one or group can save your Soul, only you can save your Soul. Remember that amidst the crowd of Modernists who treat the Holy Mass as a social gathering, you remain quiet and prayerful. We will discuss this further. - Mary"
Our Lady, August 1, 2002
"Sweet Children, these days you find many who do not know the Faith. They treat the Faith with casual regard and believe their lives merit Heaven when all the time they engage in sinning. They have no regard for sacrifice or sustained prayer. They do not seek Confession. They are very casual about their lives and sin. The days are coming, and are here for many, in which they believe the new ways are the Catholic ways, yet these new ways are like a whole new religion. They are not Catholic. They are not taught the Catholic ways in the True Catholic Faith. It is a Commandment of God, the first Commandment, that you seek to know God and your Faith. Yet so few seek this understanding and treat their Religion as casually as they regard what dinner to make or clothes to buy. This casualness has been encouraged by the evil one as it leads to forgetfulness. Yes, people forget how to pray, that they should pray and what happens if they do not pray. There are many in Hell who could testify to the need to pray, for without prayer in one's life, there is no Godliness in one's life. Prayer is the key essential element to get to Heaven. - Mary"
Our Lady, August 1, 2002
"Sweet Children, I have begun speaking of the need for all Catholics to be alert to and conduct themselves as True Catholics, not letting the Modernists dissuade you into thinking there are so many "new" ways and in effect altering the purposes and intent of your beliefs in the One, Holy, Roman Catholic Faith, designed by God in the Most Blessed Trinity. The leader of your Faith and Church is Pope John Paul II. No other can take his place, or suggest he or she speaks for the Church. This has become apparent now. There are many who have decided they are more informed and can make numerous changes in the Faith and Church.
This Holy Catholic Church does not intermingle different Religions in Its Liturgy and practices. Its architecture should draw upon Heavenly images and should inspire people to holiness. The buildings of the Church should elevate the mind and heart of Catholics and not be centers for play, work or conventions. The heart of a Church should contain the Holy Tabernacle, crucifix and images of God, His Mother, the Saints and Angels. There should be a set of Stations, Confessional, and ways for people to receive Holy Eucharist in the most reverent manner, only from Priests.It is very sad to see the total desecration of the ascetics by some Prelates. It is an abomination that Modernism should be regarded as relevant to the Holy Catholic Church. It is appalling to see various deities given prominence in the sanctuaries of Roman Catholic Churches. Such action leads to false notions regarding the Faith. Such action gives the impression there are many Faiths that God the Father chose to design.
This is wrong. There is only one True Faith in God in the Most Blessed Trinity. There is only one Faith and Church that has the Grace, in the Line of Grace, to sustain Human Beings in their quest for Heaven. This Holy Catholic Church provides the grace so that others of different Faiths could come to Heaven. This is the Truth of the matter. No True Catholic can relinquish the call to the True Faith without grievous results.
You see, My Children, I am quite concerned now with many Catholics who so casually divest themselves of their Catholic philosophy and Faith, and follow the Protestant faiths. They think they are all the same. That is not true. They are not all the same. You can not move around to other Churches and faiths freely. You are caught in a very limited way in one Faith, and it is a gift to be a True Catholic. It is necessary once you are a Catholic to stay a Catholic. Those who are Catholics have a special responsibility to others and to their own Souls. Catholics have a special gift of Grace which is rewarded greatly in Heaven and receive the worst of Hell. You have a special place because of this God-given gift of Faith, no matter if you were bom to it, chose it or others chose it for you. You have a gift and you must not disavow it.
These days, there are many in the Catholic Faith who think it can change and want it to change. No, that, … it can not do wisely. It is a Religion designed in Heaven for all time. The current social trends can not, should not, influence It, nor Its Liturgy. Women can not be Priests. The Holy Hosts must be only wheat and water, not loaves of bread. Only the Priest can consecrate the hosts and wine to bring about Transubstantiation, that is the True Presence of Jesus Christ — Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity — on the altar that you receive in the Holy Eucharist.
Awareness of the True Presence and the reverent reception of Holy Communion has become lost in the minds and hearts of Catholics. The True Presence can not be brought about by anyone except a duly-ordained male Catholic Priest. The True Presence is not believed by many who do not know their Faith, nor take the time to think about this Truth. It is so sad to see My Holy Son's Presence so desecrated, so unloved, so maligned, not only by Priests, but by the laity also, as they grab the Holy Hosts and consume Him with grievous sin on their Souls. He hurts. He is battered. He falls victim daily to so many sinful acts of sacrilege.
In addition to these errors, Heaven observes how lost some of My Children are to the Truths of the Faith. Many say they would like their Religion to be "easier." They do not want to think about it. It should be easy to go to Heaven. My Children, there is only one easy way to Heaven and that is martyrdom for the Faith.
Jesus Christ is your key example of the life which leads to Heaven. His life of suffering was to show you that it takes time and energy, prayer and virtue, to cleanse your Souls sufficiently to get to Heaven. Heaven only has those whose Souls are clear and pure. Your Religion should provide you the basis for holiness demanded to get to Heaven. For thousands of years your Faith and Church provided you the basis, the Sacraments and the Liturgy to help you get to Heaven. Now these basic elements of Faith are being destroyed. You must understand this and recognize what you must do to get to Heaven. You must recognize that there is no easy way to Heaven. There are no shortcuts really. You have a Faith and Church which must be preserved by you. You are on your own now. You must study and learn the Truths of the Faith and follow them.
My Children, it is with deep regret that I must speak so harshly to you, but the times are rough, and so many of you become confused so easily. You want to believe that what the Priests are telling you is correct because it makes life easier. I am saying that the path to Heaven is not easy. Your Religion and Faith must be learned and followed. Do not be remiss in thinking you are less than Priests when it comes to the Truths of the Faith. Many of you have learned and experienced more than many Priests have, even though they have received degrees and ordination. Neither can you think that because you are old, and the young have new ways, that you should follow them in the new ways. No. You must stick to the old ways, the True ways of the Faith.
Don't either let some younger people get you down because they laugh at you or say you are old-fashioned. 0 no, do not let them get you down or feel you also must change. Please, No. Do not change from the True ways of Faith. You just tell them that you'll be in Heaven before them. They will say, "yes, because you are old." You say, "No, I will go to Heaven, and see if you make it." Do not let them bother you because you know the Truth. I love you all, My Children. Stay with the True Catholic Faith. - Mary"
Jesus, October 1, 2002
"Dear Children of My Sacred Heart, these messages for November conclude the tenth year of messages given to My daughter, Mary Jane. It is with special joy that We mark this anniversary. We hope that throughout these ten years you have learned much about your Faith and have tried to improve your place in the Spiritual realm of which the Eternal Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are the center. With the Blessed Virgin Mary and St.Joseph, these messages have been provided to teach you the Faith and help you hold to the True Faith, the Holy Roman Catholic Faith. Never lose sight of the truth, My Children, Never lose the commitment to God that you have pledged in this Faith. Practice your Faith with earnestness and joy. - Jesus"
Jesus, October 1, 2002
"Now next year the messages will be sent in pairs, two months at a time during the second month. You will be apprised of all activity in time to act. Do not fear this thinking the messages will come too late or not give you sufficient time to act. No, there shall always be ample time as We report to you in prudence ahead of time. Yet I remind you how long We have spoken of your preparation. These messages shall continue to be distributed until there is no longer mail service. These messages have yet a long life. - Jesus"
Jesus, October 1, 2002
"Sweet Children of My Most Sacred Heart and of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Most Pure Heart of Saint Joseph, I wish to advise you of a number of things which will help you better prepare your heart and mind for the days, weeks, and months ahead. I do so because I wish to keep you alert to those things you need to pray on as well as prepare your minds to accept and cope with. Though We have spoken of these things in various ways, it is prudent to remind you of them.
First, you need to consider what it means to be involved in a war. You may not be able to purchase grocery items, as they may not be available to you. In addition your world may not be safe, so travel may be disrupted. You may find that banks may become more stringent on loans and mortgages. You may find you are less able to get gas and car travel may be difficult. Parts and merchandise may be more difficult to find.There will be loss of life and people will be burying their dead. Many people will feel the effects of war throughout the World. Yes, war can be expected. War has already come to parts of the World.
Next, you will feel the effects of a country which suffers due to assassination attempts on your leadership. Not only in the United States, but many countries. You will see the involvement of all countries in war and its effects.
Why do you think this great event is allowed by the Eternal Father? Why do you think these happenings are permitted? 0 My Children, can you not see that these events will bring a new awareness of God, of prayer and of charity? Can you not see that such events will help all mankind understand they are being punished for their sins? Can you not see that all mankind needs a lesson in the charity of God the Father to turn away from sin and cleanse their Souls? It is by the Grace and goodness of God the Father that mankind has this gift of reparation for sin. It is a gift to help all mankind know that God the Father is in charge of all that exists.
0 My Children, think of the ramifications on the Souls of so many. Look at the gifts of Salvation such tragedies can offer to the world's people. Some have never thought to pray, but they will. Some have never considered their sins and the reparation due for them, but they will. You see this as destructive, but though it is destructive, Heaven sees that there will be constructive consequences. It is sad so many will be affected. Your prayers can lessen this impact. Yet those who have never prayed will do so and may even save their Souls.
Many Saints desired to live through these days because they knew that the hardships would reap great Spiritual rewards. Many of the Saints recognized the greatness of these days. Now it is you who will live them. It may be difficult for you to imagine that these are great days. But they are. This feeling has come about because there have been so many years of calm and peace in so many areas of the World, though not all.
Now Dear Children, you need to understand that for you this is a grave and earnest time. This time demands special wisdom and effort. That is why We have so often encouraged you to prepare even though you may not see what lies ahead. We can see it and We tell you all in prudence. Trust Us, Dear Children, and do as We taught you. Trust Us for We have provided much help and instruction over the years. I believe you have noted many events just as We have said. That should support your trust even among those who question private revelations. 0 My Children, can you not see you do Us a disservice in your lack of trust?
We love you immensely. We try very hard to counsel you in your way of life for the Glory of God the Father. It is unusual to find these lessons so readily available these days, but We have provided them to Our Secretary who provides them to you, for a reason. You need help on many aspects of your life. We give it because We love you.
Now I wish to speak about the problems in the Church today. My Daughter's correspondence is filled with great concern over the reception of Holy Communion on the tongue and from a Priest only. People want to receive thus, but are finding it harder and harder to do so. I do not give you leeway on this. You will need to attend other Masses and check on other Priests who will allow this. Work at your Faith much harder My Children. You know what is right, what you must do. In a pinch, there is always Spiritual Communion in your pew. I will give you full Grace and benefits from a Spiritual Communion done due to the problems you encounter. You know how to obtain Spiritual Communion, do you not? It is very simple really. All you need to do is bow your head and say an Act of Contrition, then ask Me to come to you Spiritually at the time of Holy Communion. I will come. Be assured of that. I will pour into you great Grace and Blessings.
Such times as this may become more and more prominent. Such times in which you can not receive from a Priest or on the tongue may become more and more frequent. Prepare yourselves. Look for an alternate place to attend Mass. Look for a holy Priest to offer a worthy sacrifice. Look for ways to handle this situation. Do not give up. Just try harder.
These days are filled with conflict. It is not only in the World, but also in the Church. Try to remember the Lessons we have given you over the years. Try to remember Our Lessons regarding the Faith. You will need to protect yourselves and loved ones from the evils of the World and the various ways the Priests and Bishops and other Prelates make changes which are inconsistent with Dogma, Canon Law or even the Catechism. You must protect your Faith. I remind you again you need to obtain copies of these books study them and hold onto the Truths of the Faith.
Do not let others dissuade you from the Truths. You may have to be quiet and non-responsive when others speak to you, but you know in your mind and heart what you must do.
Dear Children, you need to be a discreet and prudent follower of the True Faith. Those who create arguments and cause ostentatious displays of grief and speak loudly of errors do not please Us. You need to be aware that for Modernists this only causes them to be even more righteous in their beliefs. No, Faith, True Faith must be born by you in a discreet and prudent manner.
Dear Children, as always, We are with you. Call upon Us to guide you. We love you all. - Jesus"
Our Lady, October 1, 2002
"Sweet Children, I am the Mother of Jesus Christ, Son of the Eternal Father, I am Mary, Mother of all God's Children. I have many titles as witnessed by the list made available by this Apostolate a few years ago. Yet today I wish to be known as the "Mother of Divine Love and Mercy". I help all who come to Me seeking God's providential care and assistance. My Sweet Children, I will not abandon you, but I do request you pray My Rosary. I request you pray My Rosary as it alone can offer you the great peace and assistance you seek. I am again alerting you to the great need to prayer. I am again telling you that in addition to attending Holy Mass and Holy Communion, the greatest prayer for help is the Rosary. The Rosary was given Me by God the Father to help all mankind through difficult times. It has proven Its worth over many ages. Forcenturies It has helped dispel darkness, wars and famine. For in this great prayer is the Grace and Blessings which are need by so many. Please take up the Rosary and pray it often. I listen. God the Father listens. We are very responsive to the prayers offered through the Rosary. - Mary"
Our Lady, October 1, 2002
"Now Sweet Children, you all see and read about the great events taking place in your world. If you have not followed the news, speak to those who have. Get an dea of the many tragedies, wars, earthquakes, volcano eruptions, fires, bombings, floods, famine and talks of war going on in your World. Recognize that there are tyrants, war lords, terrorists, killers and others set upon destroying the peace and calm of the World for their own gain. That said, My Children, I wish you to know that all of Heaven requests you pray and pray very hard for all these people and those people affected by these destructive acts. Recognize that your prayers, united with those of Heaven, can decrease the destructive impact of these events, yet because they have been part of prophecy cannot be turned aside or ended. All prophecy must be fulfilled, but the impact, the injuries, the effects can be lessened by your prayers.
So many people think that their prayers will just "turn off" the wars, the difficulties. 0 My Children, this thinking is futile when such has been prophesied. All prophecy must be fulfilled. But you can do much to hold back the fury. Your prayers can bring comfort where there was none. Your prayers can help many people survive, to get assistance and medical attention, food and water and shelter.Therefore I ask you to never stop praying. Pray the Rosary many times each day. It is a powerful weapon of Faith and shows trust and Hope in God's mercy and care.
These days ahead of Us will be very difficult. Your Holy Pontiff is well aware of what shall come. He prays daily for the World and its people, and for the Church and Its Faithful. You also need to pray for the Church Its Faithful. There are so many losing their Faith, carried away by the World's attractions. The sins of the sixth and ninth Commandments spread like water around and amongst so many in the World. These mortal sins lead people to Hell so quickly. Why do you think so many go to Hell each day? The sins of sexual promiscuity are foremost among the sins of mankind which have led to this tragedy. So you see there is a great need to pray for those who are dying quickly without the gift of Confession. Pray much, My Children, so many need your help. -Mary"
Our Lady, October 1, 2002
"Sweet Children, try to understand, these days will be most difficult especially if you fail to pray. Prayer will be your source of comfort, consolation and will provide you much Grace to stay united always with God and His Mother. This is especially important as the evil one spreads his errors. 0, he will be thought to be a great man, this Anti-Christ. He will accomplish much which will sway people into thinking of him as the leader and savior. About one year after his mighty deed of murdering a great tyrant will all come to see him for what he is, but by then it will be too late for many.
My Children, I, of course, speak of the Maitreya and his evil designs for the World and the Church. Only Pope John Paul II's persistent insistence he will stay in Rome as long as possible, has made the time of the election of a new pope and his designation of the Maitreya as world leader, delayed and delayed. Pray very much that the Holy Pontiff will stay as long as possible. This has pushed the work of the evil ones in a new direction. He will have to show himself now more and more to be ready.Consider then, My Children, what the Church will be like. Under the Anti-Pope, so many changes will emerge. So much destruction of the Truths of the Church will take place. So much heresy and blasphemy will come about, you will need to hold on to your Faith for dear life. Yes, you must hold on to it, for you will see that it will be taken from you piece by piece. What should you do? Hold on to the old forever. It will not change. Only the evil one will bring about change but you can not follow this.
You must hold on to the True Faith no matter what others say or do. It shall be a time of great persecution for True Catholics. Have We not suggested you find a place to hide your statues and Holy Books at that time? Did We not counsel you that even friends will tell tales of your religious fervor? Friends and foes will be against you for your Faith. Have We not taught you to be careful what you say and to whom? That is why you need friends of 1ike-mind and who may be, even now, praying with you each week. With all be discreet and careful. This We have counseled you about also.
It may seem strange for you to think you must be quiet amidst such error, but that is the case, My Children. Practice your Faith quietly and resolutely/ but quietly. If you do not remember Our Holy Words on this, I will remind you. Consider the many changes in the Church and the ways Bishops and Priests will accept these if they are Modernists. Now many people will also follow these heretical leaders into Modernism. So many do not ever question or ask Priests or Bishops why they have changed things. They continue to think they can do no wrong. Of course these people are following the old rules on Faith. "Follow the Priest always". Not these days, Dear Children.
You must check on what is said and done. You must look it up in your books. You must find out the Truth from the fiction. 0 yes, there will be a great amount of ficticious thinking and actions with the time of the Anti-Pope. There will be outlandish, sweeping changes, like no more Confessions or married priests, women priests, your being told you don't have to go to Mass on Sunday, or all churches are the same, so you can go wherever you wish. O yes, these and more will be said to believe at that time. What do you do?
You must hold to the True Faith. You must maintain your True Catholicity. You must maintain in your heart, mind and Soul the Truths, and your actions must demonstrate this to God the Father. He will look for you and you must show in a discreet and quiet manner that your Faith is True, strong and sure. Those who go with the Modernists will lose what Faith they have. Those who keep the Faith will be given greater courage and strength.
Read the Scriptures, My Children, the Book of Revelations by St. John reveals much. Yet the time of the Maitreya has already started. Some say he has three and one half years, but that time has already started.
Just put it all in God the Father's Hands. Pray that you can survive the evils in the World and the evils surrounding the Faith at that time. Now do you wonder why We have counseled you so sternly at times? Now do you see that you must be wise and earnest Faithful people?
Plan how you will live. Teach your Children how to be secure in word and deed. Plan ahead how you will manage your lives.
Now I come to the really difficult part. Yes, this time of persecution will mean those of Faith may be taken to prison and some killed. We have spoken of this before. We have alerted you to the means of killing also. It is the guillotine. Many thousands already have been sent throughout the World. Many who die, thus, will return in the Reign of Peace. Do not fear this Martyrdom. It is a great privilege of Faith. Many Priests shall be killed as will True Catholics.
You see, Dear Children, the times will be difficult and for the evil ones to conquer the World, they must conquer the Catholic Faith with all Its Grace offered each day through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. So you will have to survive two forces - the World and the Modernist Church.
It is best now to start considering what you will do and how. Especially do you want to help your family members know what to say and when. There will be great divides in families over these issues. There will be conflicts because of your lack of security and lack of basics. All will be in a survival mode. All will be suffering. All will feel the great impact of the events in the World and Church, for all the various denominations will be affected with the loss of Grace in the Holy Roman Catholic Church.
These days you wait, yes, but you can prepare mentally and prayerfully. All countries, indeed all the World will be influenced by these happenings. Not only the United States, but all countries. Therefore We say to prepare, plan and seek out friends of 1ike-mind. We are really preparing for war, are We not? A different kind of war, but the energies to prepare are the same.
0 My Children, We have given you much counsel over the years. Reread the messages. You will find much of help in them. I say goodbye for this month. I congratulate My Daughter on her tenth anniversary of these messages. You have much work to do, My Daughter. I love you all. - Mary"
Jesus, November 1, 2002
"My Sweet Children, these days of Winter in the Northern Hemisphere bring with them various problems. The Southern Hemisphere also has problems, but a contrast to the North. Wind, ice, snow North, while fires, droughts, crop failure South. Everywhere then there are concerns. This is the time for hardship. These are the days prophesied. Sweet Children, as We have advised you, these days bring with them the degrees of natural influence brought about through change in weather, the skies, and those changes produced by mankind's manipulation of the natural elements. There are always effects, responses, to change and you are experiencing some of them now. Sweet Children, as the days of 2003 progress, you will hear much news regarding the World, governments, people. Pray for all and pray for peace. There will be a war soon, so your hearts, minds and Souls need to be ready, as We have advised you so often. Now Dear Children, try to live the way Our Dear Heavenly Father has asked you to live. - Jesus"
Jesus, November 1, 2002
"Sweet Children, I want you to look carefully at your lives and your Soul. It is necessary that you build up the means of Grace for your Soul. Try to live with the Commandments of God and seek Virtue and Grace each day. Do not fail to remember that Grace purifies the Soul. It cleanses the Soul and thus leads to reparation of sin. You must recognize that sinning stains the Soul and produces deposits of blackened soot like a film. All this must be washed clean before you enter the Reign of Peace and Heaven. That is why so many spend a good many years in Purgatory. They have layers of black tar to wash off their Souls. Remember all they can do is suffer. They can not help themselves other than to suffer but you can help them. You can pray for them and have Masses said for their Souls. It is a great and noble activity to help Souls leave Purgatory. They spend their life in Heaven praying for you. - Jesus"
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